
Feats of fathers

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Dear Dad,

You’ve been gone more than 10 years now, but your influence is felt daily. You were a father who preferred working and making money rather than doing backyard barbecues and camping trips, but there’s one adventure you took my friends and me on that would rival any “hiking dad’s” expedition: a six-day, 120 mile walk from Newport Beach to Palm Springs.

It was Easter Week of 1968 when you invited me, a freshman at Corona del Mar High School, along with three of my friends to hike from our Eastbluff home to the desert resort.


This was urban hiking, walking on sidewalks and along the sides of roads backpack-free and in regular clothes. You were a 53-year-old retiree wearing seersucker pants, saddle shoes and a Panama hat. As we checked into that City of Orange motel after the first day’s exhausting trek, our day came to a jarring end as the hotel manager asked us if we had heard the news that day — that Martin Luther King Jr. had been shot and killed.

We had not, and you had to explain to us 14-year-old boys how something like this could happen again, just 4 ½ years after President Kennedy’s assasination. (Two months later you would pull me out of bed at 11:30 p.m. to watch the news of Robert Kennedy’s slaying. “This is history,” you said, “I want you to see this.”).

The next morning most of us, especially you, had foot blisters, but that day we continued on along the old Santa Ana Canyon Road, now Highway 91, into Corona.

After another overnight stop in Riverside, we had the misfortune, in those pre-GPS and MapQuest days, to get lost. We ended up spending the night in a roadside ditch on Jackrabbit Trail, near present-day Moreno Valley. We were cold and hungry, but you made it fun telling us we were living the life of “hobos,” sleeping by a campfire of newspapers and trash in our Pacific Trail wind breakers and Sperry Topsiders.

The next morning, as we limped into Beaumont, we certainly appreciated the up-to-now taken-for-granted roof over our head, hot shower and warm meal. Whenever I’m in bed now and I hear rain on our roof or wind through the trees, I’m thankful for my modest home that provides me shelter.

You also, on that penultimate day of the trek, called the mother of one of my hiking friends and had her come pick him up there, because he had been rude to an adult the previous day and you didn’t want him to continue with us. It was courageous of you to do that, and a good lesson to us boys in how to treat adults. I haven’t talked back to anybody since.

On the last day we trudged on to the Hotel Rivera in Palm Springs, where mom met us in our air-conditioned 1965 tail-finned Cadillac. On the two-hour drive home, we again cherished a simple everyday pleasure — a ride in a cool, comfortable automobile.

Because of you, I strive to teach these lessons of adventure, understanding, acceptance, appreciation and decorum to my own children. You took the time to hang out with my friends and me to instruct us on the truly important things in life, because frequently those things are avoided or overlooked. You once explained to me what a mentor was, but your actions were the best definition of all. Now, with my own family and the marvelous memories of you, my Father’s Days afford me grateful celebrations of wonders present as well as past.

Jules Marine Jr.

Newport Beach

Happy Father’s Day to a wonderful dad of seven children and granddad of 16 grandchildren. We Love You!

Love, The Kettley Kids

Our dad Jeff Hirsch is the best dad in the world because he would do anything to make sure I’m happy. He goes to every single one of my soccer games no matter what time or where it’s at. He cheers me on at every game. He is always there to make sure everything is OK with me. I love him so much! Thanks, daddy, for being the best dad in the world!

Love, Kelsey.

Dear Dad, thanks for all the amazing things you do for us. I hope you have the best Father’s Day ever!

Love, Jacob

Dear Dad, Thank you for being such a great dad, always helping me and being there for me whenever I need you. You go to all my soccer games and always help me with my homework. I love you so much.

Love, Keaton

To Dave Schweitzer: Dad, you always have been and still are the greatest. Hope your round of golf at Mesa Verde this morning goes even better than usual!

Love, Brad

Brian Marmaud is a wonderful father. He is a “Superhero” to our son Max, a “Knight in Shining Armor” to our daughters Chloe and Sofia and is the love of my life! We are a lucky family to have been blessed with such a wonderful dad and husband! We love you, daddy.

Liza C. Marmaud

I love my Dad because he is kind, nice, and loving. He loves snowboarding and does it with me. He is a wonderful Dad and I hope he enjoys this wonderful letter. Enjoy this letter Dad, I love you!

Love, Rebecca Szulga

I love it when my Moddy gives me scratchy kisses in the morning (even when I tell him I don’t).

I love you Moddy. Happy Father’s Day! From your favorite child,


9 years old

Dear Mark,

Daddy, I may have said “whatever,” “not important,” or “make me a quesadilla” when you asked if I knew Father’s Day was this Sunday, but I hope you know I was kidding.

We, the kids, Josh, Ryan, Trevor, and Alexa are so thankful to have a father like you. Well for one thing you are really good at waiting on me constantly, and one should never stop something they’re good at so please continue to wait on me.

But in all seriousness you are the most amazing dad in the universe!

Maybe not in some other universes that Joshua (age 6) can name from his TV shows, but you get the idea. We love you when you cook salmon, filet mignon, rib-eye, and not to mention your amazing skills at making rice in our rice cooker. We also love it when you play tennis with us, but some of us get angry when they lose to a nearly 100 year-old-man. Thank you for being the most amazing dad, and good job at the annual fair where you competed against other psycho Dads and got second!

Love, Trevor Friedman

Our Dad Mike McNiff (yes, that Mike McNiff) is the best Dad ever! Not only is he smart and funny but he loves to spend time with my brother and I. The playground in Balboa is one of our favorite places to hang out. We also like to watch basketball together (go Lakers!) and baseball (go Angels!). He takes me to see Uncle Steve’s volleyball games and lets me eat whatever I want (shhh, don’t tell Mom). He even likes to watch the same movies I do … over and over and over again. Most importantly, though, he’s the best at telling pirate stories where I always find the treasure!

As told by …

Max, 3, with help from Jack, 1

Happy Father’s Day Daddy!! We love you so much. Thank you for always taking us to the park — it’s our favorite thing to do. We can’t wait to learn how to fish with you this summer. You’re the best!!

Love always,

Ryan and Bennett Yonkers


Thanks for being such a fun, cool, loving and inspiring dad! You always make sure your girls are taken care of and work hard to do so. We appreciate everything you do for us. Happy Father’s Day!

Love, Busy B, Kangy and Ralphie

Life has its ups and downs, each day’s problems can seem harder then the last, but it is the love of a father and all his wisdom that truly make each day special. Sending you all the love in the world on this day just for you! Happy Father’s Day!


Allison and Dana


Thanks for being such an awesome dad, you always support me in my sports, in school and in everything I do.

You make me want to be better. When I get bored you always play basketball or volleyball with me.

You’re the greatest dad ever.

Love, Kierstyn

Happy Father’s Day!

In case we don’t tell you enough, you are such an amazing Dad. You are so generous and caring and you are always there for us.

From galaxy games, to cheering from the sidelines of our own games, you are always supporting us. Thank you for all you do, whether it be Indian Princesses, planning family vacations, or even barbecues on Sunday nights. We love you so much and we truly appreciate all you do for us!


Paige and Molly

My Dad (Brad Stevenson) is the Best Dad ever!!!

Thank you Dad for all that you do for me.

Love you,


It wasn’t until I became “Dad” that I fully appreciated mine. The balance between being tough and loving can be very difficult. I love you dad and now I truly know how much you love me.



My memories are filled with laughter and joy because of you. You taught me how to be a person of character on so many different levels. Thank you for always being there for us when we need you and for taking such good care of us. I love you Dad!


My dad has taught me so much over the last 21 years: how to love, how to keep going when things get tough and the importance of giving back but I think the most important thing I learned was how to enjoy and celebrate life. I haven’t met anyone who can keep me laughing quite like he can — mostly at him, but still. Dad, thank you for working so hard to make sure that our family has always had everything that we needed and for keeping things exciting. Love you Daddy!

Erin xx

Dear Daddy Boy,

This Father’s Day we want to thank you for all you are and all you do. You are the very best Daddy in the world!!!! You can put a smile on any face and make anybody laugh. You are honest and loving to everyone and make the best shakes in the world. Most off all you are modest! You are always there when we need you.

So this Father’s Day, kick back and enjoy yourself because you deserve it!

Love, Hugs, and Kisses

Christina & Caroline Quigg

Happy Father’s Day to Henry Hass!


We finally made it to graduation day. Thank you for your steady stream of unconditional love, support, and confidence in my ability to live my dreams and “make it happen.” Mom, Steven, and I are blessed to be your family. Love you.

Alessandra Hass


The best part of my graduation is that you were there with me. Thank you for making the day so memorable for me.

XOXO Sarah Daly

I love my dad so much. He has always been supportive in my life and encouraged me to always try my best. He loves my mom and I (and even our dog.... sometimes) so much and we love him back. He does so much for our family and we appreciate everything he does for us. He has always helped me in my school work and picking out what classes are best for me to take and is always there for me when I need help with homework. Thank you so much for everything dad and Happy Father’s Day!

Annalinda Harbottle

16 years old

My Papa, Harvey Mendoza, is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Even though he is not my real Grandpa, he is more than a father figure to me than any other man in my life. He has been there since I was born and raised me through my ups and downs, and he has truly made me the person that I am today. He has taught me to always be true to myself and has pushed me to be the best I can be. He spends all his extra time with me and spends time out of his very busy schedule to travel with me and make sure that I get to see places that he never had the opportunity to see growing up. I love him so much and no matter how old I get I will always be his “little princess.” I just want him to know how much I appreciate him and all the sacrifices he makes for me.

Taylor Barbera

My Dad, Jeffrey Hamilton, is the most amazing father in the entire world. He has been an LAPD sergeant for 20-plus years, a sports coach for all of our teams, and most importantly a loving father. He sacrifices everything just so he can put my brother and sister and I through school. Because of his hard work, I get the chance to go to college. He is very giving and puts others before himself. He is humorous and has never been uptight. He is so fun to be around and I would never trade him for any other father in the world. He gave us an amazing, adventurous childhood by growing up on a farm. Kids dream about riding horses and I have them right in my backyard all because of my Dad. He likes to surf and ride horses which our both my passions and something we get to share together. We love you Dad so much! Thanks for giving us a wonderful life!

Marlena 19, Jeffrey 17, Sara 14.

Happy Father’s Day, Dad! I love you more than you know. Thank you for always being there for me and standing behind me in all of my decisions I have made throughout my life. You are the one I look up to, the one I cherish, one of the most important people in my life, my hero and most of all the best father a girl could ask for. I cherish every moment we spend together.

I love you Daddy.

Love, your baby girl, Andrea

A letter for my husband:


On the night our children were born you carried each of them to the window. You showed them the view and told them about the world, their future and how you would always be there for them. You told our daughters that anything was possible and you told our son that he was our legacy, the only son to carry forward your family name. As I watched you do this, there was no way to know what kind of father you would be. Maybe the fix-every-problem, kiss-every-boo-boo or eat-as-many-cookies-as- you-want-for-breakfast dad.

Five years later I now see that you are in fact this dad but you are also so much more. You love and support your family in ways I never imagined. From the nicknames you give and the silly songs you sing to the 3-hour Sunday snack that ends up being lunch. I am the luckiest girl alive to have married you and our children are three of the luckiest kids in the world to have you to show them what a good man and father is.

Happy Fathers Day!!

Love Angel Eyes, Peanut Pie, Gracie Girl and Gummi Bear

My Dad, Joe Hermosillo

I love my DaDa because he is the Greatest Dad in the World! He plays with me and makes me smile every day. We do a lot of things together like spending time outside, playing horsey, listening to Metallica, watching Angels Baseball or Steelers Football and just being together.

He is the Best Dad is the Whole Wide World!

I Love You, DaDa!


You are the best! We love going places with you in the race car, and especially love going to USC football games with you. Each one of your three girls are so proud to call you daddy. We look forward to a lifetime of calling you the first love of our lives.

We love you!

Cora, Greta, Annie and Mommy (Angie) Harmon

Dear Daddy:

You are the best daddy in the whole world because you take us on airplane rides across the United States of America. You are wonderful to us every day when you teach us about our garden we have in our backyard.

We love you because you give us so many hugs and kisses!!! We especially love it when you take us to the movies help build Legos with us.

Thank you so much for everything you do!!!!


Elena and Cooper Schoen


I love it when you...

build block towers with me,

make me pancakes,

read my books with me,

take me on bike rides and swimming,

chase me around the house,

and tickle, hug and kiss me.

You are the best daddy! Love you!

Hudson and Mommy

My daddy is very special to me because he is very funny and makes airplanes out of trees. I love you very much daddy because you can climb the roof. You are the best daddy in the world for me and Katie!

Happy Father’s Day.


Jack Cross

Age 3

Don Keys:

Dad, thanks for everything, you are the best!


Markie Pooh

Mark Keys

Newport Beach

My girls about their dad, Mark Keys:

My dad is the best! He’ll do anything for anyone. With all the surgeries he has gone through, he is still there for me. No matter what, he is always trying and never gives up. My dad will always be number one! We always have fun together when ever we go places. I will always be there for him and love him. I love you, daddy!!!

Megan Keys

11, Newport Beach

My dad is far beyond the greatest person in the whole entire world. He is always there for me and everyone else. If someone needs anything my dad will go out of his way to assist them. With all of his most terrible surgeries and bad back he is the only person who I have ever try so hard even with his pain. Words that describe him are marvelous, kind, caring, helpful, amazing, exciting, fun and most of all loving. I don’t know what I would do without him. He is my favorite person on this planet. He’s wonderful and awesome, which I cannot even start describe him. I love him sooo much!

Love, Page Keys

Age 13

Hello, I am writing in response to your “Tell everyone how wonderful your Dad is.” I’m traveling overseas and know I’m late but if there ever was a Dad that deserved to be noticed/given credit it is my Dad…I am respectfully requesting you let me submit this even though it’s past your deadline.

There is so much to write and so many adventures to tell I could fill your paper. I will try and hit the highlights of what an amazing father I was blessed with and paint a picture of a dad that is as much a true friend to me as he is the man that made me what I am today.

My Dad is the local veterinarian who had a practice in Corona Del Mar forever. He’s the guy everyone in town would stop and thank for saving their dog or for just the special care he would give. I would stand there and listen, so proud he was my dad. When I was little I remember he would bring sick dogs home and at night tie a string to his big toe and then the other to the dog so if the dog went into convulsions he would feel it and wake up.

He was a member of the San Onofre surfing club when it was private and Nixon was President. He would take me surfing and hold my ankles while he lay down and we surfed in. He was friends and is still friends with legends like Hobie Alter “Hobie Cat guy” Robert August “surfboard shaper” and many of the old school guys who made long boarding what it is today. We would go on treasure hunts on the beach and find stuff washed up onshore and spend hours just walking and exploring. When dinner came around he and his friends at low tide would walk out and grab abalone and bang them on rocks flattening out the meat and then cook them on the beach.

He retired for a while when I was about 14 and bought a motor home. We then left Newport and traveled across the northern half of the country stopping at every fort, battlefield, meteor crater etc…We then parked the motor home in New York, flew to Europe and lived there for a year traveling and living in every country in winter and summer. The truly amazing part about the trip is we never stayed in a hotel. We stayed on farms with families, above pubs, and homes that rented rooms. He wanted us to have a true adventure and not just a vacation. One day he drove us across the border to what was Russia at the time to “Check Point Charlie” just so we could say we did it. The crazy part is we didn’t have a visa or anything so we couldn’t get in of course but his plan was to just do a U-turn. Well, the Russians didn’t get it and we were there for a while as they tried to sort out what in the world we were doing.

After a year we return to the motor home and traveled the entire Southern half of the U.S. and when arriving back at home in Balboa Island we had essentially seen the entire U.S. and Europe including Israel.

Other trips such as sailing the Caribbean and Tonga were other great adventures but one of the hardest and best of all was his own trip riding a horse from Mexico to Canada along the continental divide trail. I traveled a good portion of it with him and I can’t stress enough how hard it was and how amazed I am at how tough he is. I have included a picture but it can’t truly show the beauty of our country and what it’s like when you get days from any humans and in areas people just don’t go. Riding along with my Dad I had a lot of time to think back on how much I have done with him and the experiences I have had. Also, now being a father myself I’ve realized that he is truly an impossible act to follow. As I raise my kids I am daily more and more amazed at what he as a person/dad was able to do and more importantly what he was able to and continues to do as a Dad.

Today, I own a successful company and have a wonderful family. I don’t care what anyone says about how a person makes his own way. I do make my own way but I make it based off the incredible life of experiences, hard lessons, and instruction from my Dad. He has lived an incredible life and I have to thank him. My travels and experiences are priceless and my time with him is so special.

That old song “Cats in the Cradle” is perfect. The line “I’m gonna be like him, yeah/ You know I’m gonna be like him.” Well, I hope I can.

Thank you for the opportunity to write this — as I sit on a plane flying back to Europe for business I am overwhelmed with memorys and all those years when your parents say, “It goes in a blink of an eye.” Well, it truly does.

Mike Manclark

Chief executive of Leading Edge Companies
