
Community Commentary:

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While most of us will spend Fourth of July with friends, family and neighbors watching fireworks, barbecuing and otherwise enjoying a summer holiday, we should not forget our fellow Americans that are fighting in far off lands to ensure our freedom.

The freedoms we enjoy today have not been secured by words alone, but by men and women who have risked their lives to defend the principles of liberty and our right to independence.

On Independence Day it is easy to get caught up in the enjoyment of the day without considering the origins of the holiday.


On July 4, 1776, our Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence, brashly proclaiming the birth of a new nation. Our forefathers boldly told the world that it was the right of the people to alter or abolish a government that becomes destructive and unrepresentative of the people it was created to serve. In doing so, they boldly proclaimed their right to life, liberty and a pursuit of happiness.

With the stroke of a pen our Founding Fathers took the first important step toward forming a new nation. Throughout our history, American soldiers have taken up arms to defend America’s right to self-government and freedom. It was the brave young men who defended us against British Imperialism in the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. It was our courageous soldiers who fought alongside the British and French to protect their liberty in the first and second world wars. It was our honorable youth who went to Vietnam and Korea to defend the citizens of those countries against the scourge of communism. And today, it is the valiant men and women of our armed forces who are engaged in the fight against tyranny and terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan.

As we assemble to celebrate our freedom, all of us must remember the sacrifice of those, both past and present, who fight to preserve liberty around the world. Although many of them cannot be here in America to observe this day, they remain with us in our hearts and prayers. This weekend, when you see American flags proudly flying, enjoy fireworks and parades but please take a moment to remember those who have fought to uphold our freedom and ensure that liberty continues to thrive in our nation.

State Senator TOM HARMAN represents District 35.
