
Stolen items set club back

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Police are searching for the suspect or suspects who broke into the Costa Mesa Boys and Girls Club branch on Hamilton Street last weekend to steal thousands in cash and property.

Director of operations at the club, Steve Lampron, said the burglars stole cash, DVDs, games and even a case of Hot Cheetos.

“In tough economic times, you never know,” Lampron said Friday. “This hurts the kids so much. The kids that have the least amount seem to get penalized the most.”


Sometime between Friday evening and Monday morning, police said at least one person broke into the Boys and Girls Club Westside branch on the Rea Elementary School campus, 661 Hamilton St. in Costa Mesa.

Police and a crime scene investigation team responded Monday morning to search for evidence.

Damage to the rear door of the building shows they unsuccessfully tried to pry their way in and then went to the front door to gain access, Lampron said. Inside, the men kept the lights off and improvised by using lamps, he said.

Kids at the club Friday said when they walked in, chips and snacks were scattered across the floor because the burglars used the boxes to carry property. The burglars trashed the walls, ripping down photos from the kids’ field trip to Washington, and threw banners on the floor, he said.

Kids and staff members at the club Friday were still discovering things that had been stolen, with one boy realizing that a portable radio the kids used on trips was missing when he went to look for it.

Lampron’s list of stolen items is getting longer by the day. To this point, it includes $1,340 in cash, some checks, two laptops, a DVD player, a digital video camera, a Nintendo Gamecube, walkie talkies, a phone, eight pool cues, 50 bags of Hot Cheetos and a Harry Potter box set.

“At first I was shocked, but now I’m just angry,” Lampron said. “Of all the places the people who have the least.”

Police have little to go on, but given the nature of the break in, it looks like the burglar was familiar with the club, said Sgt. Frank Rudisill.

The loss has set activities for the kids back, staff members said. The club’s annual trip to Wild Rivers in Irvine next month might have to be canceled, Lampron said. Future trips to the beach may have to be canceled or pushed back, he said.

Lampron’s office was completely trashed, kids at the club said. Lampron could barely fit in there with everything from his desk and walls scattered on the floor, so some of the kids picked it up for him, he said.

Lampron and the kids still wore smiles Friday despite the burglary. Lampron said, “You know, they took all these items, all these material things, but they didn’t take the spirit and pride of the kids who come here.”

The Boys and Girls Club of America Westside branch in Costa Mesa can be reached at (949) 631-7724. If anyone has any information about the incident, call Detective Hans Gunther at (714) 754-5120.
