
The Political Landscape:

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Costa Mesa Mayor Pro Tem Wendy Leece tried, unsuccessfully, to lower the stipend paid to the city’s five planning commissioners Tuesday night.

In order to save money, and because of a slow-down in construction, the commission is now meeting only once a month instead of twice.

Leece proposed changing their pay to $75 per meeting, instead of the $400 per month that they currently make.


“Costa Mesa planning commissioners are paid more than planning commissioners from nearby cities . . . One would think they would voluntarily reduce their stipend when we are working hard to reduce costs across the board,” Leece said.

She said that the cut in compensation would save the city almost $20,000.

The other four council members all opposed the proposal.

“I think our Planning Commission works very hard. I would find it kind of ridiculous to lower [their pay],” said Councilman Gary Monahan.


Westminster City Councilman Andy Quach was arrested Sunday and charged with driving under the influence of alcohol (a lot of alcohol, according to the Orange County district attorney, who puts Quach’s blood alcohol level at 0.26% — more than three times the legal limit).

Quach, the DA claims, drove his Mercedes S550 into another car, lost control and plowed into a concrete wall leading into the backyard of a home in his district.

Shortly after police arrived, the engine area of the car burst into flames.

In talking with Assemblyman Van Tran, following Costa Mesa Mayor Allan Mansoor’s announcement that he was running for Tran’s seat, the assemblyman named a few other people he thought might make good challengers. Quach, a close personal friend of his, was among them. If the DA is right, those dreams may go up in flames.

According to a few reports after the fact, Quach has expressed remorse for his actions, but said that they have no bearing on his ability to make political decisions.

Tran reportedly came to the scene to aid his friend after the midnight accident.


U.S. Rep. John Campbell has become notorious for the witty and sometimes rambling voice mail messages that greet callers on his iPhone.

“Congress is currently on recess, which means two things: You are safe, for at least a little while, from increased taxes and socialism, and I am back home in California. Ahhhh,” Campbell says in his latest recording.


The Newport City Council is slated to discuss Tuesday how to pay California the $6 million it wants to borrow to plug a gaping state budget hole.

The state budget Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed last month included a plan to borrow $1.9 billion in property tax revenues from local governments. The state is supposed to pay back the money, plus interest, by 2013.

The City Council could decide to take the money out of its $11 million in general fund operating reserves.

There are less likely options the council could consider: The city could slash the money out of its annual budget, or borrow $6 million to cover the loss of property tax revenues.
