
Checking in with... Hi-Time Wine Cellars:

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Did you know that Hi-Time Wine Cellars houses the largest underground wine cellar east of the Mississippi? The cellar boasts a wide variety of wines from regions such as France, Italy, Spain, Hungary and New Zealand. The family-owned store opened its doors in 1957 and has become a part of the Costa Mesa landscape. This week, we’re checking in with Charlie Hirst, the founder’s grandson.

What are your most popular vintages?

Our most popular wine category is the Cabernet Sauvignon.

What is your most expensive wine?


The French Bordeaux. We have them anywhere from $30 to upward of $1,000.

Tell us a little bit about the store’s history and your involvement in it.

The store was opened in 1957 by my grandfather Fritz, and his brother-in-law Jim. I’ve pretty much always been involved, more or less. When I was 10 or 12, I would stock and clean the shop. And later, I would work there when I wasn’t in school.

Imagine you have some important guests over. What kind of wine would you recommend to:

Chuck Norris?

I would recommend the Fisticuffs 06 Cabernet: It’s not for the timid. On the label, it has a picture of a boxer and another guy who has just been knocked down.

Queen Elizabeth II?

I would recommend the 1996 La Grand Dame, by Clicquot.

It means the “grand woman,” and it comes in a Pucci designer bag.

Kobe Bryant?

I would give him a bottle of Hoopes. It’s made in Oakville, which is one of the best parts of Napa Valley. Or I would give him the Dominus Cabernet, also from Napa. It dominates the Cabernets like he dominates in basketball.

Jennifer Lopez?

I would give her the Lewis Cuvee L 2005. It comes in a nice looking bottle, and on the label, it has an L (which could stand for Lopez).

Tell us about your underground temperature-controlled wine cellar.

It’s 3,000 square feet. We have a selection of more than 10,000 different wines. Most of the wines are kept at 55 degrees, the ideal temperature for cellar storage.
