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Well, I see that the Daily Pilot’s bloviating windbag columnist, Joe Bell, is at it yet again, this time excoriating Rep. Joe Wilson for simply telling the truth about what President Obama said during his address to Congress and the nation Sept. 9, i.e. that Obama was lying when he said Illegal aliens would not be covered under ObamaCare when he knew full-well that they would be because the democrats in Congress had stripped from the bill every proposed Republican enforcement amendment that would have required iron-clad proof of citizenship to qualify.

I thought Bill Clinton was an accomplished liar, but this community rabble-rouser (excuse me, “organizer”) makes him look like a choir boy by comparison.

Almost everything out of Obama’s mouth that night was a lie.

Like Obama’s preposterous claim that ObamaCare wouldn’t add one dime to the deficit, when anybody with half a brain knows that it will add at least $1 trillion to the deficit over 10 years as projected by the Congressional Budget Office, the expert on such matters.


You know, just like the Democrats promised in 1965 that Medicare would never cost us more than $12 billion dollars a year, and now eats up almost 10 times that amount. But who remembers that now?

All those “snake-oil” salesmen and Lyndon B. Johnson are long-gone now and the state-run media stenographers at CBS, NBC, CSNBC, MSNBC, CNN, etc., sure as hell aren’t going to remind anyone of that preposterous lie. Thank God for Fox News!

So let me see if I’ve got this right, Joe. The president can get up in front of the entire country and lie through his teeth to us, but when someone calls him what he is, a liar, that is somehow beyond the pale and being disrespectful to the president.

The president was being disrespectful to every American and should be called on it every time he lies, whether he is before Congress or someplace else.

As to Bell’s legendary hypocrisy, where was hypocritical Joe when the entire democratic Congress booed President George W. Bush during a similar address?

We didn’t hear so much as a peep out of this pip-squeak. Or how about when the liberal film-making industry made a movie about the imagined assassination of Bush? Again, not a word out of self-righteous Joe.

How many times has Rep. Fortney “Pete” Stark called Bush a liar with complete, silent, impunity from self-righteous Joe Bell? Or Sen. Harry Reid calling Bush a liar and a loser? Apparently Bell suffers from chronic myopic hearing disability.

But Bell’s selective indignation is legendary, so why would his latest childish outburst come as a shock to anyone who has been forced to put up with his pompous, self-serving, partisan drivel for how many years now?

Tom Williams

Newport Beach
