
Moral Of The Story:

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“Faith never knows where it is being led, but it loves and knows the One who is leading.”

— Oswald Chambers

When I answered the phone last Saturday, I knew something was wrong.

The call was from Brian, a friend who had gone on an early-morning bike ride with my husband, Jon.

Brian calmly explained that Jon had been in a bike accident, that he was fully conscious but in serious pain, and that the ambulance was on its way.


Our minds are so powerful, our fears so persuasive and our emotions so unpredictable, but fortunately, God is far stronger.

From the time of the first phone call, throughout the drive to the ER and then watching the paramedics unload Jon from the ambulance, there were many moments when my fears seemed about to gain momentum, but my faith in God stopped them.

I felt like a rock climber encountering loose shale, but I knew that trusting God was the sure foothold that would keep me from spiraling downward.

I have experienced God’s presence, peace, strength and comfort in profound ways since our daughter Amy’s death two years ago, and I knew that God would help me with whatever happened to Jon.

As it turns out, he broke his collarbone and is banged up, bruised and in pain, but we both rejoice that he will mend.

I obviously don’t like the traumas and troubles in life, but I’m so thankful for the many more marvels and joys God gives us, and that He will faithfully walk through them all with me.

And you can quote me on that.

CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON is a Newport Beach resident who speaks frequently to parenting groups. She may be reached at or 537 Newport Center Drive, Box 505, Newport Beach, CA 92660.
