
That’s Debatable

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California Republicans last weekend held their state convention in Indian Wells. One of the story lines was how Arnold Schwarzenegger, as a Republican governor, has disappointed many of his fellow GOP members in California.

Do you agree that Schwarzenegger has let the party down during his time in office? And which of the three likely candidates for the 2010 gubernatorial race who were unveiled at Indian Wells most closely fits your own definition of what it means to be a Republican: former EBay Chief Executive Meg Whitman, state Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner, or former Congressman Tom Campbell?

Since the governor was elected, I have had occasion to both criticize and applaud his actions. He has a tough job, and no one is going to see eye to eye with someone all of the time. There is no point in Monday morning quarterbacking because the people of California chose him to make those decisions. At the end of the day, the governor has to live with the decisions he made and answer to the citizens. It is not always an enviable position.


As for the Republican gubernatorial candidates, any one of them presents a better option for California than Jerry Brown or Gavin Newsom. They all respect and understand the value of smaller government, less regulation and a stronger economy. Unfortunately, I can’t same the same for their Democratic counterparts.


(R-Costa Mesa)

The governor’s renewed opposition to taxes in last year’s budget did not go unnoticed by fiscal conservatives, and he was well received by the state’s GOP faithful who gathered in Indian Wells on Friday. Arnold kicked off the California Republican Convention with a speech championing streamlined government and lambasting excessive spending. Although we sometimes disagree on a particular issue, the governor is far more committed to creating jobs and opportunity in California than his predecessor or his 2006 opponent.

As far as his replacement, the GOP has some great candidates. I am particularly impressed with Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner, who told convention attendees how we can lead this state out of this mess by making decisions based on core principles of individual liberty, personal responsibility, a robust and healthy free-enterprise system, and small and accountable government. He is also committed to making California the innovation capital of the world again.


(R-Costa Mesa)
