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President Barack Obama just joined the company of other United States political leaders who won the Nobel Peace Prize: notorious war criminals Henry Kissinger and Theodore Roosevelt.

Obama is about to sign the biggest war-funding bill in world history. He almost certainly will go with Gen. McChrystal’s recommendation and send 40,000 more troops to Afghanistan. His administration is refusing to release Guantanamo detainees already cleared as innocent and holding them indefinitely. He is directing the rush production of a huge “bunker busting” bomb to attack Iran.

If this is “peace” I wonder what the civilians in Afghanistan and Pakistan think, as they are bombed by unmanned drones ordered by Obama?


Why encourage this direction by awarding him the most famous prize in the world?


Costa Mesa

Punish lazy good- for-nothings instead

I was infuriated when I read the article about some idiotic narrow-minded people who had nothing better or more productive to do with their time than to harass the police into arresting some people who were just trying to make a living (“11 arrested in undercover crackdown,” Sept. 27).

These good-for-nothing idiots who have enough time to sit around harassing the police into arresting people who are trying to work for a living have obviously not thought this through.

What has this taught the ones who were trying to work for a living?

1) It has taught them that they can get into the same amount of trouble by trying to work for a living as they can by sitting around waiting for us to leave our homes, then breaking in and robbing us;

2) It has taught them that it isn’t safe to be out in the daylight, sweating and trying to find some work, so instead they should only come out at night, stealing and robbing people for a living;

3) It is safer and more lucrative for them to rob you and your children on your way to school, and the punishment is the same for working.

If you punish someone just as severely for trying to do good as you do for being bad, it’s the logical conclusion that they are going to take the easy road from now on.

The wars on drugs and immigration are not working. Treating future Americans like criminals just for trying to work is the most un-American thing I’ve ever heard of.

I think we should deport these lazy, good-for-nothing Americans who obviously don’t work for a living.

We should deport these lazy Americans and give their citizenship to the ones who are out there ... trying to scrounge together enough money just to buy a meal and a place to lie down for their families.

I’d like the lazy ... American imbeciles rounded up and dumped in a foreign country, where they don’t speak the language and can’t ask or beg for a meal or a place to sleep. I’d like to see them walk a mile in the shoes of the people they mistakenly think they have the right to look down on.


