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I think the Daily Pilot has stooped to a new low with your front-page article, in giant font, about a resident’s member (“Resident’s member is saved from ring,” Wednesday). Is that newsworthy?

Aren’t there more important stories to go on the front page than this. Is this a slow news day?

This could go on page 4 with the “Briefly in the News” section if you must add it to the paper at all.




God bless all of our patriots who help us

I read in disgust a piece written by Jamshed Dastur (“Time to honor what we fought for”). In referencing the “Greatest Generation,” it is somewhat unclear if the writer was referencing with disdain or honor.

I should remind you, Dastur, that the battles you refer to were fought to assure you the right to speak so freely. You ask “who are these people…who disseminate falsehoods, intimidate, disrupt meetings, etc.” They are members of the Greatest Generation, young people aware of the impending loss of freedoms; they are Republicans, Democrats and Independents intent on preserving those freedoms.

The election 10 months ago was not won by a landslide, I suggest you review the Electoral College results and compare them to Ronald Reagan’s election, an actual landslide election. Those who voted for our current president voted for change, but I contend did so without knowing what the “change” was going to be.

There were close to 2 million of those people in Washington on Sept. 12. Unlike the inauguration, the grounds were left spotless, no arrests were made, and the event ended without a hitch. These are the people who believe in capitalism and freedom.

You have disdain for the “for profit” health industry. You would question why a pill that cost pennies to manufacture could cost $10 to purchase. Research and development for a single drug can cost upward of a billion dollars to bring to market, how would you suggest they recoup that cost? Without the ability to recoup and make a profit, what company would invest in research and development? Without research and development, where would you expect the next life-saving drug or procedure to come from? And how do you believe the current life-saving drugs and procedures came to be?

“These people” have every right to stand up and be heard. They are not cowards; they are patriots. They are not spewing lies; they are casting light on diminishing freedoms. They are not “pathetic souls”; they are stating they want the current president to fail at his attempt to limit those freedoms.

Currently, they still have the right to do so; they must be successful so that the freedom to do so will be maintained for our children, grandchildren and the generations to come.

Yes, we do pride ourselves on being a democracy second to none.

This country was built on freedom, capitalism and the absence of big government. To continue to flourish, we must maintain the same. The “pathetic souls” you refer to are today’s patriots. God bless them.


Newport Beach
