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The Pilot must be having trouble filling space to publish the hate-filled and inaccurate letter from Tami Kennedy (“Punish lazy, good-for-nothings instead,” Oct. 9). Perhaps you also have room to print a counterpoint.

First of all, she refers to those who want police to enforce our laws as lazy, good-for nothing imbeciles who “obviously” do not work for a living. How does she know if they work or not?

She assumes that if illegals (whom she calls “future citizens”) are prevented from working (illegally) here, that they will rob us in our homes and on our streets. Maybe, instead, they will simply stay in their own countries. Problem solved.


Finally, she would like to see how we American “imbeciles” would fare if we were “rounded up and deported to a foreign country where we did not speak the language, couldn’t ask or beg for a meal...”

Well, Kennedy, the difference is that no one rounded them up and dropped them here. They all came here willingly, knowingly breaking our laws. There are legal means to enter this country and become contributors to our society. These parasites she defends chose not to and should suffer the consequences.

John Lieto

Newport Beach

Airport comments missed a key point

Mike Aguilar’s snide comments (“You made the choice, now live with it,” Oct. 8) about those objecting to the noise from the airport are completely unjustified.

Many of the residents under the takeoff path bought their homes when the airport was strictly for small private planes and there was no commercial traffic. That was a completely different situation. When the county supervisors decided to allow commercial traffic in the airport with prop planes, there was a lot of justified — but futile — objection from the residents.

Those same supervisors promised that they would never allow noisy jets to use the airport. But political promises don’t mean much, apparently.

Jerry Parks

Newport Beach
