
James Birmingham named Honorary Chair of Legacy Ball

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The Laguna Beach Seniors at the Susi Q is very proud to announce that James Birmingham, Managing Director, Montage Resort has been named Honorary Chairperson for the LB Seniors Legacy Ball 2010. Mr. Birminghams participation in this year’s Dinner Dance is a tribute to the tireless work and dedication that The Hearts of Montage organization has provided the Center. Daily the Susi Q Center plays a vital role in the lives of many of Laguna Beach’s senior citizens. Much of the yearly operating Capitol comes from this very special and important event. It is the hope of the Susi Q Board of Directors, the planning committee and Mr. Birmingham that this years event will be able to raise not only much needed annual operating capitol but community awareness of the Center as well. Tickets for this event will be available at the Susi Q. starting February 15. 949-497-2441
