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It has become woefully apparent that killing Middle Eastern terrorists is not working, and has not worked for many, many years.

For every one we kill, many rise to take their place; violence generates violence; death and destruction generate death and destruction. Haven’t we seen that year after year? How many more years before we see the light?

Mr. President, there is no military solution for the Middle East — not for America, not for Russia, not for China and certainly not for Israel. The only winners at war are the arms dealers. Israel has been fighting terrorists since it became a state, and still the terrorists keep coming. The killing of women and children (collateral damage) does much to create new terrorists.


How about a new radical plan: Let’s try peace. Withdraw all the military, and let the citizens have time to sort out their political/religious destiny. Iran may just be the prototype of a citizen uprising for a free and peaceful nation. The Iraqis and Afghans might follow a similar path if we would just quit bombing them.

Who was it that said, “blessed are the peace makers”? Who was it that said, “I hate injustice”?

What do you say, President Obama? Is peace worth a try?

Joe Mader

Newport Beach

Sick of hearing ‘Christian values’

Is it possible for the Daily Pilot to go one day without the words “Christian values”? What is it with the “Christian value” that makes it any different or better than any other?

Those of us who base our lives on other moral values are getting tired of having the “Christian value” thrown in our faces every time we pick up the paper. I’d like to know what Alexis Bellino’s agenda is on “The Real Housewives” that she hopes to impart to the viewing audience (“Wife keeping it ‘Real,’” Wednesday).

This should be a really good one. Apparently “Christian values” is now the buzzword to get into print.

Rhoda Friedman

Newport Beach
