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In his Nov. 13 letter (“Religion’s values at odds with its history”), Lenard Davis accurately portrays a number of Christian failings throughout the years, and he also complains that “no one has really explained what ‘Christian values’ really are.” Actually, someone really has explained these values.

If Davis will take his Bible and turn to what is known as “the sermon on the mount” and later passages, he will see what this person taught us about these values, such as love your Creator and pray to Him; love your neighbor as yourself and forgive him if he harms you; be happy in traditional marriage; feed and clothe the needy; visit the sick and those in prison; and ask for forgiveness for yourself. Millions of Christians throughout the world endeavor, however imperfectly, to put these values into practice every day.

There is one other value that Christians practice; that is, they invite everyone, including Davis, to join them in their endeavors. If Davis will try it, he might even come to like it.


Dwight B. Moore

Newport Beach
