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For the last few years, the Daily Pilot has run a weekly list of people arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence.

The list, which appeared next to the Police Files on Fridays, typically comprised more than a dozen names, with no other information aside from ages and cities of residence.

This week, the editors made a collective decision to spike the DUI list. None of us were among the people who initiated the list years ago. In recent weeks, we began to view the feature as an unnecessary part of the paper. A few reasons for our decision:


1. The people on the list have been arrested but not convicted of anything.

If any of them is later cleared of the offense, his or her name will still be readily available on a Google search, which poses a problem for background checks.

Obviously, we run stories about people who get arrested for all kinds of offenses, but the key word there is “story” — the mere fact that someone has been pulled over and given a Breathalyzer doesn’t warrant the same treatment.

2. We run a listing of people arrested for DUI, but not for speeding, shoplifting, spousal abuse, vandalism or any other crime. It seemed arbitrary to single out one offense among many.

3. Police files are more informative and could potentially lead a witness to a crime to report what he or she knows, but the DUI list simply consists of a series of names, ages and cities.

The DUI list, though, has been a part of our paper for years, so we welcome your feedback as to whether we made the right decision.

And as for the drunk drivers in the community, we’ll say this: Now that we’re no longer going to shame you in public, you can repay our kindness by staying sober behind the wheel.
