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Last month, a group of supporters of the senior center wrote in the Huntington Beach Wave that the City Council hopefully “will vote to appeal the case to the Supreme Court if necessary and retain a team of highly competent litigators ... by using all legal and emotional arguments available.”

I guess the supporters don’t think much of our city attorneys.

Who is going to pay for these outside attorneys?

The appeal of the senior center was privately funded.

If the majority, 51%, that voted for the senior center wants to appeal the judge’s decision, go ahead, just don’t make those who voted against the senior center in Huntington Central Park pay for lawyers to defeat the decision they just won.

This is like double jeopardy. We lost a close election, won on appeal and now are told we should pay to defeat what we just won?


If this were to come out of the general fund, what will be cut by paying outside attorney fees?

If no one has looked at Pacific City on Pacific Coast Highway lately, I would make sure all $22 million is in the bank before a shovel hits the dirt wherever the senior center is built.

Fasten your seat belts for Poseidon

I was happy to see “The Poseidon adventure” making the top 10 (“A watershed decade,” Dec. 31).

I particularly liked seeing it listed as an “adventure.” The trouble is the only people being taken for a ride will be the rate payers.

Editor’s note: Moshiri is the president of Residents for Responsible Desalination.
