
Adult School sees cuts, fee increases

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The long fingers of the budget cuts have affected the Huntington Beach Adult School, causing administrators to slash its main advertising source and hike fees. The changes have some educators worried enrollment won’t cut it this semester.

The school had to stop mailing out its full class schedule and switch to a more inexpensive newsletter, paring down its information to the class title and dates. The school also had to start charging for classes that were once free and raise the prices of other classes from about $20 to $50 or $70, said Assistant Principal Cathy McGough.

The school, part of the Huntington Beach Union High School District, caters to older adults wanting to keep their minds and bodies quick with a number of lifelong learning and fitness classes, as well as English as a second language, GED preparation and testing, parent education classes, and classes to receive a high school diploma.


The district isn’t the only one having to cut back on adult education. Other districts have had to pare back or cut the entire program, McGough said.

McGough encourages students to register before the first day of class, because some classes will be cut if they don’t have enough students enrolled.

“Adult education is still important to having a vibrant community,” McGough said.

To see the list of classes or print out the registration form, go to

— Britney Barnes
