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Medical marijuana is legal in California (“Pot clinics sprout up,” Jan. 23). The city of Costa Mesa should spend their resources on more serious issues, instead of going after dispensaries that are beneficial to those suffering from a variety of medical conditions. The city said they are prosecuting marijuana sales “to promote health, safety, morals and general welfare of the residents and businesses within the city.”

That’s hogwash. Marijuana use will not impact any of those issues, except help those who are not of good health. Safety? Are marijuana users a threat to society?

Get real, Costa Mesa. Fix the streets and give us more bike lanes!

Frank Hanrahan

Costa Mesa

City should support Arches eatery, owner


What an absolute travesty that Dan Marcheano is closing the landmark Arches restaurant after all these years, and during Restaurant Week makes it particularly sad! This is a man and a business that should have all the support of the city behind it. If the city is going to bring back business to Lido Marina Village, it should start by ensuring that the Arches remains.

Carolyn Clark

Newport Beach
