
In The Pipeline:

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“I might faint when he gets here.”

That what Dean Valesio, 40, of Norco said as he looked at the empty table before him with the row of black Sharpies neatly lined up. No doubt that feeling was shared by the hundreds of other people wrapped around Barnes & Noble on this cool evening, many sporting black leather, tattoos, a variety of piercings and Black Sabbath T-shirts — lots of Black Sabbath T-shirts. In what could double as a late-1970s concert queue, the faithful waited for Ozzy Osbourne.

As I wrote about recently in my interview with him, Ozzy was coming to Huntington Beach on Feb. 3 to sign his new book, “I Am Ozzy,” and any doubt as to the drawing power of this heavy metal icon was squashed early the night before as fans camped out to get their event wristbands. A festive, concert-like atmosphere was present both outside and in the store, a force that only the legends can deliver.

Just after 7 p.m., there was a roar, chants of “Oz-zy” broke out, a wall of photographers began furiously clicking away, and there he was. Surreal as it seemed, a black-clad Ozzy was in Huntington Beach on the upper level of Barnes & Noble. He posed for a few minutes, and then the signing began. I met many other fans who were as excited as Valesio, including members of the band SMT, who were hoping to slip Ozzy a copy of their latest CD.


Yet as interesting and colorful as the crowd was, I found myself watching Jeanne Ferrara, the community relations training manager at Barnes & Noble. As an author myself who has worked with Ferrara at my own (albeit much-less attended) book signings, I also knew what a pro she was — but on this night, she was truly functioning at a loftier level. The throngs of people, the visiting corporate brass — this was a big night, and much of the success rested on her (energetic) shoulders. To my eyes, she orchestrated a flawless, unforgettable event.

Most people don’t realize the logistics of an event like this, and I was curious how Ferrara compared this with other in-store appearances in terms of scope and sales.

“This event was one of the biggest Barnes & Noble Huntington Beach has hosted. We sold out of ‘I Am Ozzy’ and have placed a reorder,” she said. “And the event was fantastic! The customers were all very excited to meet Ozzy. We had a great turnout — potentially a record for Barnes & Noble Huntington Beach. The crowd size may have been bigger than the last ‘Harry Potter’ release party.”

I overheard one woman in the store comment that she was concerned due to what she perceived as “devil worshipers” lining the aisles. So what about that? Were fans well-behaved?

“The fans were fantastic,” Ferrara said, “and everyone was very excited to meet Ozzy. We had fans literally of all ages attend the event — newborns to great-grandparents. One woman was buying the book as a Valentine’s Day present for her husband; another was buying for at-risk youth she works with. Grandmothers and great-grandmothers were buying for their grandchildren. Every fan had a story — some important milestone in their life linked to Ozzy Osbourne.

“For the most part, everyone followed the event guidelines, which were in place to ensure everyone who purchased a book would get to meet him. And Ozzy was gracious, witty and wanted to make sure that all fans who purchased a book had an opportunity to meet him. Even though he started to get a bit tired toward the end, he made sure to sign books for all fans — and he signed until midnight.”

Did Ozzy require any special arrangements, the way he might at a concert?

“He had the usual requests for water and coffee,” Ferrara said. “He sipped black coffee and orange juice throughout the event. We also provided a fruit tray and mixed nuts/trail mix — but he did not take time to eat anything during the event.”

Jeanne has organized many events here with big names, including Kat Von D, Oscar De La Hoya, Chuck Liddell, Tito Ortiz, Guy Fieri, Bethenny Frankel, Jim Beaver, Danica McKellar, Laurell K. Hamilton, Sue Grafton, Lee Child, Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson, Sarah Dessen, and Jen Lancaster — but it’s hard to imagine anything on this scale. Good job, Jeanne. A “sign of the horns” heavy metal hand salute goes out to you from all of us. Also to Ozzy, who was completely pleasant and professional, and to the fans, who were enthusiastic and respectful. No heavy metal horrors or controversies, no animal sacrifices or pagan rituals—just a love fest, a.k.a. an Oz fest, right here in Surf City.

Rock on, Ozzy.

Some other upcoming big-name events at Barnes & Noble at Bella Terra: Shannon Hale on Feb. 19, Jerry Holkins, co-creator of the webcomic “Penny Arcade,” on Feb. 25, Jeff Garlin of “Curb Your Enthusiasm” on March 24, Jennifer Love Hewitt on March 28, Patricia Briggs on April 6, Jim Butcher on April 10, Christopher Moore on April 11, Meg Cabot on April 23, Jane Kurtz on April 24, and Megan McDonald on April 25.

CHRIS EPTING is the author of 17 books, including the new “Huntington Beach Then & Now.” You can write him at .
