
Valentine’s Day Letters

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Don, You are the love of my life. My best friend. My everything. Happy Valentine’s Day, Sweetnessnessness. Love, Laura.

Laura Johnson

Costa Mesa

I am writing to profess my love to my entire family. I love my mom for teaching me to be the woman I am. I love my dad for teaching me the value of family. I love my husband for standing by my side and supporting me through my daily struggles in fighting for my daughters rights. I love my stepchildren for giving me the opportunity to love them. I love my two sons for bringing me joy that reminds me there is always a reason to be silly.

And mostly, I love my daughter Leilani. She has shown me that life is a glorious thing. Each day I wake up and walk down my stairs to the joy of her beautiful face. I look forward to the simplicity of her innocent words.


There are many moments in the day that try my emotions. There are many obstacles that we face as a family. Most of them bring me to tears. Most of them are reminders of how unfair life can be. Just a few days ago, I was told “June, I know you’re trying to prove a point.” This was so degrading to me. No, sir, all of my actions come from my mom teaching me to fight, my dad teaching me to give, my husband teaching me to be reasonable, my sons teaching me to smile, and my daughter teaching me to love unconditionally. I am just a mom with a tremendous amount of love to give and I will never stop. I am honored and humbled to have the love of my family.

June Hendriks

Costa Mesa

At the time I considered being drafted into the U.S. Army I was in my senior year of college, just 6 credits from completing my bachelor’s ... a real bummer! Little did I know that it was because of this event that I would ultimately meet and marry the girl of my dreams!

Returning to the campus three years later was a challenge. I was older, everyone I had known was gone, and all the “cute girls” seemed to be taken.

In my first class I noticed this beautiful girl sitting in the front row. In my second class, there she was again! I tried to get a seat close to her but they were all taken. I asked the person sitting next to me: “Who is that girl, in the cashmere sweater, plaid skirt and saddle shoes?” My classmate replied: “Oh that’s Jody Norwood, but you need to know that she is engaged to a dental student.”

Wouldn’t you know! I thought, here I’ve been out serving my country and all the cute girls are gone!

So I put together a marketing plan that was designed to win this girl’s heart.

After class the next day I got up the courage to introduce myself and ask if I could buy her a cup of coffee. She said yes, but Kenny (the husband of one of her best friends) would be joining us! Like a chaperon … after all, she was engaged.

The conversation was just great. She explained that she was engaged and I tried to impress her with my new found knowledge of the “world.” The three of us met for coffee more and more. I felt like I was making progress. The plan might even be working!

I spent Christmas vacation skiing in Mammoth with friends and was eager to get back to class. I dropped by a coffee shop the evening before school started again and ran into an old friend. He said he and his family had been in Palm Springs over the holidays, ran into Jody at church, and took her to the movies that night! Seems as though she and ‘Mr. Dental Student’ have decided to take ‘one last look around the campus’ before they tie the knot! Maybe my plan was working!

I excused myself, went to the nearest pay phone and dialed the “girls’ dorm.” After a 30- minute conversation, Jody asked “Did you call me for any specific reason?” I said: “Would you like to go into L.A. next Saturday night for dinner and to the L.A. Philharmonic?” “Yes,” she said. I was ecstatic!

The only way to describe the Saturday night date is … it was magical! For the next two weeks we were together all the time, class, studying together, lunch, dinner…

It wasn’t long before ‘Mr. Dental Student’ heard that someone was moving in on his territory, big time. He arranged to have the proverbial “come to Jesus meeting!” the next Saturday night.

She promised that she would see me at 7 a.m. Sunday morning, when the girl’s dorm opened and let me know the outcome.

To say I spent a sleepless night would be the understatement of the day! I knew that my fate was in the balance, but I also knew that this was the girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life with!

I arrived at the dorm at 6:45 a.m. When she came down the stairs, I could see this great smile on her face, and she exclaimed “It’s over!”

We jumped in my car and drove up by the lake. I had never asked a girl to marry me in my life and I thought if she said no I’d go blind or something. I finally said “Will you marry me?” and she replied “Yes, but you must ask my father for his permission.”

Jody’s father was a retired physician in San Marino and very protective of his daughter. They lost their first daughter before she was a year old and their second, a diabetic, died at 16.

After dinner at Jody’s folks’ home, the doctor and I went into the library where he began to put me through my paces. Jody and her mother finished the dishes and found a place to sit and eavesdrop on our progress. Each time I would think this is the right time to ask … he would change the subject!

Finally the time was right and I asked if I could have Jody’s hand in marriage … the answer was a resounding yes! He was just testing me and having some fun.

Jody and I were married at the Oneonta Congregational Church in South Pasadena. My father, a pastor, officiated.

In the intervening 47 years, our love for each other has only grown. We have been blessed with two beautiful sons…both happily married, and one wonderful grandson. Don Olsen.

P.S. from Jody: “Thanks Uncle Sam …this Valentine is for YOU!”

Don and Jody Olsen

Newport Beach

To our son, James:

James, we miss you very much and pray for you each and every day. We can’t wait to see you again. Love, Dad and Mom.

Judith Hunt


Tena, Thanks for being my sweetie! You make me feel like I can fly! Brad.

Brad Harper

Newport Beach

My “greatest love” story is that of my 3-year-old son! My little boy came to me via the foster care system in July of 2006. He was barely living at 4.5 lbs, lying in the neonatal intensive care unit, hooked up to an intubation system, fighting for his little life! I didn’t quite know what was to become of this precious little life, but so willing to take a chance, and I’m sooo glad that I did! I went into this as a single mom and was hoping for adoption — well it took longer than expected but the finalization came 2 1/2 years later on April 16, 2008! Chase is a “robust, curious, funny and ever sooo smart” little guy, and as healthy as ever! We are so happy living our lives in South Orange county — just recently relocated from Los Angeles — and look forward to our beautiful life together as mommy and son! He is my HAPPY ending, xxoo. Happy Valentine’s Day

Lisa Taylor

Newport Beach

Hello, my name is Ellisha Higuera. I found love at the age of 37 and will be married this Saturday. We met at our church picnic. I gave up on love and thought that maybe I was meant to be single. I couldn’t believe it when I saw him. He was tall, dark and handsome, and wanted to talk to me. Our first date was perfect, we had everything in common. After our first date we both went home so nervous, and couldn’t sleep wondering if the other person liked me. We have been inseparable since. He is the greatest, most patient man I have ever meet. He makes me want to be a better person. I feel beyond blessed to be marrying my best friend.

Ellisha Higuera

Costa Mesa

Rebecca & Nancy,

Happy Valentine’s Day to my two favorite ladies. Xoxo, Tom

Tom Szulga

Newport Beach

The greatest love is my husband Steve who, in June, will have shared my life for 40 years. We have gone through life-threatening illnesses and family crises all while he has remained calm, strong and loving, and always there to led the way to a brighter life. Steve is thankfully the greatest gift that anyone could be, since he is the most wonderful father to our two children, four grandchildren and myself, demonstrating courage, calmness and motivation to strive ahead in difficult times. He is truly the greatest love who has given me opportunities to grow, mature and develop into the individual that I am today, by motivating and encouraging me to always look on the bright side of life and have a more positive outlook on the future. Each day is a new adventure with my best friend and love forever.

Sharon Tash

Mission Viejo

Starflower, my eyes may not be what they used to be but I will always see my way clear to loving you. Each day we spend together is a “special occasion.” Love my honey. Guillermo.

Bill Thomson

Costa Mesa

To my dear girl, Sheila.

We met not so long ago on the peninsula by the sea.

You stole my heart and that was it for me.

My life has been filled with your love ever since we met.

Our life together as a family has been better than I imagined.

You are truly a wonderful catch, and I am so happy to have been blessed with you a short 15 years ago!

Here’s to a lifetime of happiness and fun.

Love, Paul.

Paul Prato

Newport Beach

I find myself so fortunate that I have two very special Valentines in my life. One of them is my beautiful, smart, funny and adorable daughter Riley. Every day she makes me so proud and I love her so much! And not a day goes by that my gorgeous girlfriend Barbara does not make me laugh and appreciate all of the wonderful things that life has to offer. St. Valentine has been very good to me!

David Beek

Balboa Island

Doug, you have been so wonderful to me for so many years, and now you are supporting me as I return to college. I love you so much. I’m the luckiest girl in the world, and I couldn’t have done it without your love, your sense of humor, and your confidence in me! You are everything a husband should be, and you’re my best friend. All my love, Herman.

Noelle Park

Costa Mesa

To My Lovebug, Eva Collette:

You are the best Valentine a mom could have. I’m so happy you’re mine.

Love you, Valentine. Mom.

Sally Coursen

Laguna Beach

To my Love, Denise. Every day is like Sunday mornin’, smell of bacon in the air. You, dear, are my blue sky, my sunny day ! Love, Napoleon.

Barry McPhee

Newport Beach

My dearest wife, friend, confidant, partner, lover.

You have enhanced my life beyond my wildest dreams!

We have a beautiful life that will continue to blossom and grow into a strong, lovely, tall tree.

Love You Mucho! Victor.

Victor Vega

Newport Coast

My dear husband Joey,

As we approach our first Valentine’s Day as husband and wife, I want to take a moment to remember just how far we have come. From that first hesitant step to that blossoming assurance that is the comfort of true love, I find serenity in the protection of your embrace.

I want to give thanks for all that you do for us and all that you have taught me. Daily life becomes so routine that sometimes small things that mean so much are overlooked or seem expected. We are so lucky to have one another and many times I stop and think of how powerful and amazing our love is.

Two becoming one is not always an easy transition — especially with two hard heads like us — but I see the beauty and strength of how we adapt and overcome and make it through anything life throws our way. I can see how much you love me and it fills me with pride and adoration. Marriage requires a level of loyalty and forgiveness that far surpasses the relationship stage and I am elated to be able to go on this journey, this incredible adventure, with you as my partner.

Often I catch myself just staring over at you and feeling overwhelmed with love. Insecurities and doubt have disappeared between us, because I know that we can trust each other to keep one another’s heart safe. Even when we are mad at each other, I know we are madly in love too. I believe in you and I know that when everything else in the world seems to be letting me down, I can count on you. I turn to you for belly aching laughs and I love how we can be silly or serious together. So on this day to celebrate love I want to celebrate you — because to me you are love defined. Love you boodaboo. Happy Valentine’s Day. Brittany.

Brittany Lucent

Laguna Niguel

Janice: Happy Valentine’s Day to my beautiful wife! Our 10 years of marriage have been the best years of my life. I cherish our memories together and look forward to the many adventures to come. I love you! Robert.


Who says that love isn’t better the second time around? That’s what I have learned these past few years as I have fallen deeper in love with the man of my dreams. Who says it’s too late for love? It’s never too late for love or for making your dreams come true.

The fact that we manage to have a love story in the midst of our hectic lives is no small feat in itself. But before I get too far ahead of myself here is “our” story….

Between the two of us, we have six daughters with ages ranging from six to 27. We each have full-time careers, run two separate households and are full time parents to our girls. That’s not including all the “foster” kids we have adopted along the way and continue to do so. We have one dog, one cat and a partridge in a pear tree.

We met while we were both trying to heal our hearts, our families and our souls. We met at, of all places, the gym. I know it sounds so cliché but the way I see it, if you can fall in love in dolphin shorts and running shoes, then there is nowhere to go but up from there. And with God’s blessing that’s exactly how our love story unfolds. I met him at my worst. My heart was broken, I was out of work and trying to figure out my next steps, and my self esteem was at a low. He saw the beauty inside, the pain behind the eyes, and he loved me through it all. He has taught me much these past two years. How to love again, trust, laugh, hope, believe and fly. For all of this I am eternally grateful. Through love and kindness, patience and wisdom, commitment, passion and desire, our souls began to take shape again.

Our love story is a story of us and of our girls. We have fought for our love, cried, laughed, shared and most of all my life has been enriched beyond imagination. The man that I love is like no other. He is amazing, astounding, strong, loving, kind. He has restored my faith in love and men. He reminds me to slow down & live in the moment, to trust, to breathe, to stay and fight for what is important to me. Most importantly he has taught me how to fly. To take his hand and a leap of faith, and let our love carry us further than our imaginations could take us. I have never felt so alive.

The heart is an amazing organ. It expands as we allow more love in and out of it. I always knew I had the capacity to love deeply and truly but God has given me the opportunity to live it on a daily basis. My heart has experienced love like I have never felt before. When I fell in love with him, I fell in love with all of his girls. I believe it’s no small thing to hold in the palm of your hands the heart of another. I cherish it, honor it and love them all as if it were my own heart.

I know that I was meant to love this man and he was meant to love me. I believe that we had to endure all the pain that we did to get to something much better. That we had to go through the valleys to appreciate the summit. That there was no coincidence in meeting when we did. It was God’s timing. I know without a doubt that I will love this man the rest of my life. I pray that we have many years together to love, to share, to experience new things and most of all to leave behind a legacy. A legacy for our daughters of what love truly is. My wish is for each and every one of them to experience this kind of love. Oh and to learn to fly....

Brandy Sanders

Ladera Ranch

Jerry, You’re still mine, Valentine! Love you, Andi

Andrea Hughes

Newport Beach

You are still my hero, Jimmy-poo. Happy Valentine’s Day

Dorian Huntington Davis

Newport Beach

Serious, cocky and arrogant. Believe it or not that was the first impression of my husband of over 20 years.

When we worked together at Hughes Aircraft in Newport Beach, I thought this guy is really full of himself. But when a friend had a birthday celebration at a well-known bar on a beautiful Fall Friday night, I began to change my opinion. John walked in the door and, when he saw me, gave a charismatic smile. Later, when we played pool together and I would happen to make a shot that would remotely resemble someone who knew how to play pool, he’d lift me up and swing me around gleefully. He also told me silly jokes as we played pinball together. What a wonderful night.

But when he walked me to the door, he didn’t even attempt to kiss me good night. And the next Monday, when I saw him at work, he was back to his serious and arrogant stature. What the heck was up with this man? I then began my journey to make this man mine and make it my mission to peel back the layers of this disarmingly sexy and mysterious man.

What I would discover is that this was one wonderful human being that I would soon enter into a long-term relationship with and would teach me so many amazing things.

The reason why John didn’t attempt to kiss me good night was that I was in a relationship with another man, and he had far more respect for me than I had for myself. Eventually many nights of work functions together led to some heavy kissing, but John refused to take it any further until I had completely dissolved my other relationship. This even made me want this man more!

Of course, I resolved my other issue and we began seeing each other full time, and soon after became engaged and moved in together, along with my 5-year-old son from a previous marriage. Now, anyone who has ever been around a 5-year-old who is going through life changes along with his overly-doting mother, can attest to the fact that he may not take too well to a new man in her life. But, John handled it with earnest love and discipline. I remember once that a co-worker stated to me that John should not be able to reprimand my son since he wasn’t his biological father but I firmly disagreed. He lives under his roof and is provided for, not to mention that they can roll around on the floor together and play wrestle and laugh uncontrollably. My son needed the loving discipline that John provided. And I need to make it clear that John never rose a hand to my son, the emphatic bellow would work! To this day, and my son is now 28, I tell everyone that John would step in front of a fast moving train for Josh. He loves him unconditionally.

Now, I don’t want to make this seem like life was a bowl of cherries. Quite the contrary. Both John and I have Type-A personalities and are stubborn as all get out — not to mention my quick temper and habit of storming out the door when mad, or throwing insults, or worse yet objects, when I am angry. But once again, John would teach me patience, love and understanding by merely forgiving me and my adolescent behavior.

There have been so many times throughout our life together that John has been my inspiration, friend, hero and fabulous lover, but most of all has taught me the true meaning of the words “good human.” So many times someone has needed John’s financial help (both family and friends) and John has reached out, usually to be snubbed for the repayment. I of course am the one to pursue the debt that John would most likely have forgiven.

Recently we had to put down our dog of 15 years. Although both of us were broken-hearted, John insisted that I not take part in the final vet visit as it would be too much for me to bear. Another courageous and loving act on the part of my husband.

Finally, there is the love of my family that most men do not know how to impose on in-laws. My mother has been deceased for many years and I had a very close relationship with my father. At first my dad was skeptical of John (probably the cockiness and arrogance again), but would eventually grow to love John as if he were his own son. And when my dad became quite ill, John was the one who helped the rest of my siblings by taking Dad to numerous doctor visits and consultations with the doctors. Dad would stay with us some days and would get sick in the middle of the night. My adoring husband would help clean up my dad after getting ill in the bathroom and then carry him lovingly back to bed and help change his pajamas in such a tender way that my father would never once seem like he had lost an ounce of his masculinity.

Be it an elderly neighbor who needs a helping hand or an ex-addict looking for a fresh start, or even a niece who just needs an ear or shoulder to cry on, my husband has been there.

My serious, cocky, and arrogant husband is the most amazing man I know.

First impressions can always be so wrong.

Marilyn Rice

Costa Mesa

Jenn, The Daily Pilot said I could send you a mash note (well, actually they said a love note) on the this Valentine’s Day. So here goes.....

I’m on my weekly commute flight to PHL (no jumpseat today, I got an aisle seat in the back!) and I already miss you terribly. Leaving you just seems to get harder and harder. I look forward to seeing your beautiful face again soon and just hanging out with you. I love you with all my heart and soul.

Love, Jeff.

Jeff Diercksmeier

Costa Mesa

After being discharged from the Navy in 1955, I attended Orange Coast College. I met this 18-year-old girl, and we started dating.

She was the most honest, caring, compassionate and beautiful person I have ever met.

After 52 years of marriage, I can only say (that) I met my angel and married her.

I love you, Sue (Bardsley). Bud.

Levon L. Bardsley

Costa Mesa

Dear Dad,

Everyone already knows how much mom loves you, but I wanted to tell you that I love you just as much!

Valentine’s Day is also for kids. :) Happy Valentine’s Day Dad! Thank you for sharing your oatmeal with me in the morning’s. Sorry that I eat all the blueberries! Thank you for teaching me to shoot basketball, say touch down, and read me books when ever I want, but most of all, thank you for letting me get into “mom and dad’s bed” every morning when your home and cuddling with you! You know I love that the most! Mom and I appreciate your hard work, long hours and business travel that keeps you away during the week. We love you for everything you do! I love you Dad!

Bennett Molica

Costa Mesa

My wife Christine is the best thing, by far, that ever happened to me. She has truly been the “wind beneath my wings,” always encouraging me to grow. I simply cannot imagine anyone more thoughtful, optimistic, understanding and cheerful than her — or my life without her. Dr. Bruce.

Bruce R. Weber

Costa Mesa

Carrie, Happy First Valentine’s Day. Keith.

Corona del Mar

Dear Mommy (our favorite Valentine),

Thank you for all the hard work you do for us. You always cook good things and are nice and caring. You are a great mom and deserve a rest today. We love and care for you, and know you will have a great Valentine’s Day.

Love, Caroline, Christina and Daddy Boy

To Gail, “The Little Lady,” my wife and best friend for 43 years. It’s been a wonderful ride with more to come. Love, Dennis

Dennis Hurwitz

Julie, you grow more beautiful every year. Happy Valentine’s Day.

Scott Kimball

I’m soooo happy you’re my Daddy. And soooo I want to say I love you, Daddy, and wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day!

Thanks for being the BEST daddy a girl could ask for! Love, Lauren

Submitted by Wendy Lewis

Costa Mesa

Dearest Jim, Thank you for the unwavering love and support you gave me and my siblings through all of Mum’s illness last year.... You have shown strength when I have been weak.... You are the best husband and father anyone could ask for.... Will you please be my Valentine?I love you so much! Di.

My husband, Mark Keys, is my special Valentine. We have been married for 19 years and have two beautiful girls, Page (14) and Megan (11).

Mark hurt his back at work five months before we were married. He has tried every type of therapy, rehabilitation and surgery imaginable to get better. In spite of his efforts, he has had 28 surgeries — on his back, ankle, knee, and shoulders. He has Graves disease, adrenal gland deficiency, MRSA Staph infection, shingles, no testosterone and hormone production to name a few things he goes through every day.

What makes me so proud is that, instead of feeling sorry for himself by curling up in a ball and staying bed all day, he takes care of the girls, our home, and does his best to help others. Mark’s best quality is that he loves helping other people, and would give his last dollar away if it would help another friend. He says yes to anything anyone asks of him, even if it might be physically or mentally draining on him. He is kind, caring and a great friend. Mark’s smile lights up a room. I appreciate all that he does to make sure the girls are safe, happy and well taken care of while I am at work. I am very lucky to have met him, and get to spend my life with such a wonderful man.

I love you, Markie Pooh! Laurie

Laurie Keys

My whole heart for my whole life. In other words, you’re my lobster!

Kate Golbeck

My mom is the best mom. She is always their to support you even when you have a bad day. I love my mom each and every day, and I always will.

My dad is so nice, he always looks out for you, and if you fall of the wrong path in life, he helps you. I will love my dad for ever.

Newport Beach

I am an 11-year-old girl and I love my parents very much! As I am growing up and we are moving, in the summer, my parents are great parents to me! I love them very much! I can come to my parents with anything or talk to them about anything. I love my three little sisters who always have a smile on face and a laughter coming out! My family is hyper and fun! I want to tell them that I love them and to have a HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!

Ryan Schwary

Newport Beach

To My Valentine, Eve. With love, Fly.


I want to ride bikes at the beach with you until we get so old, we need training wheels.

Xxxxxooooo. Love, Lisa.

Lisa Winter

Balboa Island
