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I am confused about the rights of individuals who are here illegally. I’ve been fortunate to have traveled around the world and work in another country, legally.

I would never assume any rights in another country other than those offered. If I am a business owner and individuals are blocking an entrance or causing potential business to go elsewhere, then it should be my right and the right of any American business owner to have them removed.

Why do job seekers, if legal, not go to an unemployment office if they have nothing to hide?


It doesn’t make sense for Costa Mesa or any other city to endure the practices of illegal immigrants. So they use intimidation by suing? This is wrong!

I know of an individual who came here illegally and who was educated in Mexico with decent English skills. He said that in Mexico people are told to come to the U.S. because they will be able to manipulate the system to satisfy every basic need for free.

When I heard this, I was outraged. This individual has since married another non-citizen. They now have two young children they cannot afford on their own.

Why should my tax dollars support every child born to these people? Why should my tax dollars support programs to educate them or their children? Why should our tax dollars be used for English as a second language programs? Whatever happened to self motivation?

What about all the money made here by these same immigrants that is sent back to their country?

Why not tax this money? It’s done all over world. Billions of dollars are sent to Mexico alone.

It’s a fair way to recover our lost tax dollars. I agree with protections offered by our civil rights laws, but I feel that the Latino communities have taken unfair advantage of these laws to encourage illegal immigration and abuse our good will.

Russ Ramirez

Costa Mesa

Taking more responsibility for yourselves and pets

I read two interesting articles this week that about Costa Mesa.

The first was in a community newsletter and dealt with how budget constraints had forced the city to stop providing free dog-waste bags in city parks. Now there is, apparently, a problem with uncollected dog droppings in the parks.

The second article was in the Daily Pilot (“Drivers want damages covered,” Feb. 24) that dealt with claims filed against the city for damage to vehicles in the recent rain storms.

I am constantly amazed by people’s expectations of government, that it’s responsible for protecting them from all harm and inconvenience — both natural and human-caused — providing them with free services, and responding to their every need, while not raising taxes.

People must take responsibility for themselves (and their pets), and recognize that when stuff happens, it’s not always up to someone else to fix it.

If they want the government to do it for them, they must accept the responsibility of paying the taxes necessary to finance their expected level of service. I’m waiting for the article reporting about people complaining that their taxes aren’t high enough!

Perry Valantine

Costa Mesa
