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Tom Amen dislikes math. In fact, he’ll go so far as to say he hates it.

So what is the Golden West College theater director doing staging a production of “Proof,” the Pulitzer Prize-winning drama about the structure and complexity of a mathematical equation?

“You read a play once, it immediately grabs you deep inside, and you know you have to direct it — sometimes without even knowing why,” Amen said.

It was, Amen believes, “love at first sight, though I still cannot quite fathom the initial attraction” of what he calls “this delicate little play,” which opens its two-weekend engagement next weekend in the newly refurbished Mainstage Theater on the Huntington Beach campus.


“Perhaps because the play is less concerned with the rational and verifiable nature of mathematical proofs as it is with the intangible and inscrutable nature of the human heart,” he said. “Perhaps because the play, in its own unique and subtle way, explores our constant need, as human beings, to prove ourselves.”

David Auburn’s drama centers on a young woman who has grown up in the shadow of a brilliant but mentally unstable father, who has since died, but appears in spirit throughout the play.

Julie Patzer, who excelled in Golden West’s “Beyond Therapy,” and Michael Bielitz, who headlined “Shadowlands” and several other Golden West productions, will take on these challenging roles in “Proof.”

Patzer describes her role as Catherine as “a wonderfully complex character, a good person who really wants to do the right thing. I’m hoping the audience sees the beautiful way in which the play demonstrates that everyone has a unique role in life.”

Bielitz said that, in his character of Robert, “we see diverse and interesting movement of behavior from beginning to end. There’s lots of meat on that bone, which is just the way I like it.”

“Working with Mike is a tremendous joy,” Amen said. “I’ve known him for 25 years, and we’ve traveled many a theatrical mile together. He’s a consummate professional, a great fellow collaborator.”

Of Patzer, Amen said, “Julie brings a wonderful sense of commitment and integrity to her work. Though she’s done a great deal of bold comedy, and is exceptionally good at it, I believe her unique artistic strength is the vulnerable and delicate way she has about her.”

The “Proof” of Amen’s equations about his actors will be on display March 19 to 28 in the Mainstage Theater.

If You Go

What: “Proof”

Where: Mainstage Theater, Golden West College, 15744 Goldenwest St., Huntington Beach

When: 7:30 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays and 2 p.m. Sundays from March 19 to 28

Tickets: $10 to $12

Information: (714) 895-8150

TOM TITUS reviews local theater for the Independent.
