
Sheriff leads race in funds

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Orange County Sheriff Sandra Hutchens is outspending her opponents for the office by a roughly 2-1 ratio, according to campaign finance reports filed this week.

Hutchens, who was appointed to the office in 2008 by the Board of Supervisors, spent $134,692 from Jan. 1 through March 17, including $85,913 that the campaign paid to Sacramento-based political consulting firm Gilliard Blanning Wysocki & Associates.

Anaheim Deputy Police Chief Craig Hunter spent $70,649 on his campaign to oust Hutchens, and former Sheriff’s Department Lt. Bill Hunt spent $58,053.


Candidates for public office in the June 8 primary were due to file their latest campaign finance reports Monday. Several candidates in Orange County’s most anticipated races — sheriff and 4th District supervisor — appear competitive, at least as far as fundraising is concerned.

Supervisor John Moorlach is running unopposed for reelection to his 2nd District seat.

He has raised $27,631 in contributions, and has spent $11,026, with $44,465 cash on hand. The 2nd District includes Newport Beach and Costa Mesa.

In the sheriff race, Hutchens raised $55,378, including a $30,000 personal loan to the campaign, and ended the period with the most cash in the bank, at $81,886.

Hunter raised $39,134 in contributions for the period and ended with $24,959 in the bank.

And Hunt took in $37,437 in contributions but ended the period with only $3,607 cash on hand.

Notably, Hunt received contributions from six Sheriff’s Department employees and numerous small contributors.

None of Hutchens’ employees donated to her campaign, and her contributors were fewer but donated more money on average.

Hunter received contributions from several Anaheim police officers or city employees.

In the race to succeed Chris Norby, who left the 4th District supervisory seat in January after being elected to the Assembly, lawyer and Fullerton Councilman Shawn Nelson leads the pack this reporting period with $36,632 in contributions, much of it from other lawyers. His campaign spent $46,799 and ends the period with $80,288 cash on hand.

Anaheim Councilman Harry Sidhu leads the cash-on-hand race with $203,278 in the bank, largely because of the $175,000 he has lent his campaign. He raised $29,761 in contributions for the period and spent $87,953.

Fellow Anaheim Councilwoman Lorri Galloway finished the period with $119,916 cash on hand; she has lent her campaign $118,000. Galloway raised $14,830 in contributions for the period and spent $45,692, including more than $33,000 in media expenses.

Trailing far behind in the 4th District race are Buena Park Mayor Art Brown and La Habra Councilwoman Rose Espinoza. Brown received $7,950 received in contributions, including a $6,000 loan to his campaign, and ended the period with $2,287 in the bank. Espinoza raised $5,463 in contributions and ended with $4,685 cash on hand.

By The Numbers

Campaign finance filings for other county candidates are as follows:

Assessor Claude Parrish (unopposed):

$46,837 in contributions, including a $30,000 loan to himself

$83,225 in expenditures

$16,992 cash on hand

Supervisor John Moorlach, 2nd District (unopposed):

$27,631 in contributions

$11,026 in expenditures

$44,465 cash on hand

Supervisor Pat Bates, 5th District (unopposed):

$32,256 in contributions

$15,293 in expenditures

$109,921 cash on hand

Total Bates has loaned her campaign: $659,000

Clerk/Recorder Tom Daly:

No current filing

Hugh Nguyen, candidate for clerk/recorder:

$2,820 in contributions

$31,886 in expenditures

$350 cash on hand

$28,060 in unpaid bills

Supt. of Schools Bill Habermehl (unopposed):

$10,499 in contributions

$24,633 in expenditures

$5,909 cash on hand

Dist. Atty. Tony Rackauckas:

$4,679 in contributions

$48,978 in expenditures

$86,219 cash on hand

Public Administrator:

No reports, but four candidates are running.

Shari Freidenrich, candidate for Treasurer-Tax Collector:

$9,529 in contributions, including a $5,000 personal loan

$29,505 in expenditures

$6,500 cash on hand

$26,475 in unpaid bills
