
City may outlaw feeding animals

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The Huntington Beach City Council could approve a new proposal outlawing residents from feeding wild animals at its Monday meeting.

The council could vote to have an ordinance drafted banning residents from feeding coyotes, foxes, opossums, raccoons or skunks. The ordinance would make the offense a fineable misdemeanor.

The city has been having issues with coyotes that have lost their fear of people, and the police department declared it a public safety issue. Residents have made complaints about coyotes coming into their backyards to eat their pets and are worried about their families’ safety.


Councilman Joe Carchio proposed adding the ordinance to help stop the problem by educating residents after attending two city meetings on the idea. The idea isn’t necessarily to ticket offenders or become a “nanny government,” but to inform people about the harm feeding wild animals causes, Carchio said.

“I didn’t do this because we wanted to issue summons or tickets or anything like that,” he said. “It’s more to make people aware.”

The ordinance wouldn’t extend to feeding birds in a backyard or ducks at the pond, he said.

The city held a council study session in February and a community meeting in March on the issue. The state Department of Fish and Game and Orange County Animal Control joined city officials to tackle the issue.

Fish and Game officials told residents to cut off their food and water sources. Officials recommended residents never leave food outside, including pet food and bird seed; secure garbage containers; trim shrubbery; keep pets indoors; and walk dogs on leashes no longer than six feet.

The council will meeting a 6 p.m. Monday in Council Chambers in the Civic Center on Main Street.
