
Frank Evan Perdicaro

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Name: Frank Evan Perdicaro

Age: 45

Birthplace: Brookline, Mass.

How long have you lived in Fountain Valley? 14 years

Occupation: Currently unemployed, but for 23 years was active in the production of software for commercial print. I am working on getting a job.

Education: Uudergraduate: Bowdoin 1987. major: physics, minor: history. Departmental and collegiate honors. Graduate: University of Massachusetts, Lowell, 1995. (Note, it was named University of Lowell when I began my study.) Major: electrical engineering, specializing in computer engineering. Fun: Orange Coast College, welding.

Previously elected or appointed positions: At the municipal level: none. I was president of All Races United in Brunswick, Maine, and am now the vice president of a civic organization.


Community organizations you belong to: Fountain Valley RACES (a volunteer radio organization), NRA Members Council of Huntington Beach; Experience Unlimited, Irvine.

What do you think are the biggest issues facing Fountain Valley right now?

Overall Fountain Valley is well run. The biggest issues facing the city are caused by mismanagement at
the state and federal level.

The state does not have the money to pay CalPERS and CalSTERS. The state does not have the money
to pay its local school obligations. Lack of funding from the state will cause cash-flow headaches.

More generally, we need to shrink government to the size we can pay for.

What is one decision in the last year that the City Council got right and why would you have supported it?

I support the decision of the city to trim its budget rather than spend its reserves.

What is one decision in the last year the City Council got wrong, or partially wrong, and why would you have voted differently?

Not all decisions get a public vote. Last year the Assembly apologized for the racist gun laws it has passed (those laws are still on the books). This year the position of the state, the county and the city regarding the nature of 2nd Amendment rights was explicitly overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. I urged the city to change its policy, which is based on law now ruled invalid. The city declined to do so, setting itself up for possible litigation. This was not the right decision; it was wrong under a civil rights analysis, wrong under a freedom analysis and wrong under a fiscal analysis.
