
Mary Mangold

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Name: Mary Mangold

Age: No answer

Birthplace: Fullerton

Residence: Westminster

Occupation: public elementary school teacher

Education: bachelor’s degree in public administration from San Diego State, clear elementary teaching credential from Cal Sate Long Beach, master’s degree in education from CSULB

Experience as an educator: 24 years as a classroom teacher at Glazier School (third through sixth grade)

Previously elected or appointed positions: Elected to the Westminster School District Board of Trustees in 2006

Community organizations you belong to: Girl Scout leader, Cadette Troop No. 1650 and Brownie Troop No. 2082, parishioner and former Sunday School teacher at St. Hedwig Church

Why should constituents vote for you?


I have been honored to serve our community for the past four years as a trustee. I would like you to vote for me so that I can continue to be an advocate for our students and a voice for the taxpayers in our community.

As a parent of two children in the district and a public school teacher, I want the highest quality education for all of the students in our district. My professional background and education allow me to focus my decisions on what is best for our students. I believe that all students deserve a rigorous academic program, curriculum and highly qualified teachers.

Additionally, our schools need to provide a safe and modernized setting with 21st century technology available to all our students. I will continue to advocate that we restructure our budget to responsibility and local control. During these tough economic times we must enact policies that cut frivolous spending on items such as car allowances, mileage, reimbursements, conference attendance, high superintendent/administrator salaries, pensions and perks. I will continue to be a watchdog of taxpayer funds and act in a prudent financial manner.

What do you think is the biggest problem facing your district and how do you plan to address it?

The biggest problem facing our district is the current budget crisis. I plan to address it by acting in a fiscally responsible manner. As I have done in the past, I will continue to advocate that we cut items that do not directly affect our children and their education.

In the last year, what is one that you think the sitting board members handled well and why?

The one issue that I believe our board handled well in the last year was bringing up the district test scores and Academic Performance Index through the support and implementation of various academic programs so that all of our students can achieve academic success.

In the last year, what is one issue the board got wrong and what would you have done differently?

I believe the issue our board needs to improve upon is how we look at the current budget crisis. It is a hard reality, but our schools are facing a severe economic crisis. We must react to this crisis by keeping the cuts as far away from the classroom and our students as possible. Instead I believe we must focus on areas that we can cut that do not have a direct affect on our students. As I mentioned above, these are items such as car allowances, mileage, reimbursements and conference attendance. These frivolous and unnecessary items need to be cut!

Additionally, we must cut down on administrator and superintendent raises, pensions and perks. As trustees, we serve the taxpayers of our community and need to be fiscally responsible with limited district funds, while ensuring that our students still receive a top-notch education.
