
Council selects committee assignments

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Some of the City Council’s most important work is done off the dais, such as representing the city on organizations and committees inside and outside Laguna.

Each year the council members review the list, determine if changes are necessary and volunteer or are urged to accept an assignment as liaison, except for those automatically assigned to the incoming mayor or, in their absence. the mayor pro tem.

The 2013 selections were made at the Dec. 4 meeting.

Mayor Kelly Boyd is the city’s delegate to county organizations including League of California Cities, Southern California Assn. of Governments, South Orange County City Assn. of Mayors, Foundation for the Great Park Advisory Council and Orange County City Selection Committee.


The mayor is also is assigned to represent the city as a non-voting member of the Festival of Arts board of directors. Boyd and Mayor Pro Tem Elizabeth Pearson act for the city on the Business Improvement District, which distributes millions to city arts organizations that bring tourists to Laguna with a voluntary contribution from the city’s hostelries.

Council members don’t always get the assignment they want. Newly elected Councilman Steven Dicterow, who was reelected to the Festival of Arts board of directors in November, volunteered to be the liaison to the Festival Coordinating Committee. However, the council gave the position to Councilwoman Toni Iseman.

City Attorney Philip Kohn opined that membership on the board could have raised conflict of interest issues for Dicterow in the city’s dealings with the festival, though he resigned from the board Dec. 3.

Iseman also volunteered as the city’s representative on the Orange County Vector Control District, a position she had held for several years. The assignment runs through Dec. 31, 2014, bringing her total to 18 positions, eight by herself, nine with other council members and one as an alternate.


Other Assignments

Alcohol and Substance Committee /L.B. Community Coalition — Dicterow

Coastal Greenbelt Authority — Iseman, Robert Whalen (alternate)

HIV Advisory Committee — Iseman

Irvine Bowl Policy Committee — Boyd, Whalen

Laguna Art Museum Board — Whalen, Iseman (alternate)

Laguna Beach Seniors — Pearson

Laguna Canyon Foundation — Iseman, Boyd (alternate)

League of California Cities Coastal Coalition — Iseman

League of California Cities Environmental Quality Committee — Iseman

Orange County Council of Governments — Pearson

OC League of Cities Legislative Advocacy Committee Liaison — Pearson

Orange County Library Advisory Committee — Dicterow, to be confirmed at the Jan. 15 meeting because the assignment was accepted after the Dec. 4 meeting

South Laguna Water/Sewer Committee — Iseman, Boyd

South Orange County Wastewater Authority (SOCWA) — Iseman, Pearson (alternate)

South Orange County Watershed Management Area Executive Committee — Pearson


Liaisons to standing city committees

Boyd — Arts Commission and Parking, Traffic and Circulation

Dicterow — Recreation

Iseman — Environmental, Heritage

Pearson — Emergency/Disaster Preparedness

Whalen — Housing and Human Services


Representatives to subcommittees formed by council

Mission Hospital Laguna Beach — Boyd, Whalen

Improving Water Quality in Aliso Creek — Pearson, Iseman

Homeless Advisory Committee — Iseman, Boyd

Skateboard Park — Dicterow and Boyd

School District Use of Facilities Agreement — Pearson, Boyd

Village Entrance — Pearson and Iseman

Climate Protection Review — Iseman

Long-Term Business Assistance Task Force — Pearson, Iseman; Boyd alternate

Complete Streets Act Task Force — Dicterow, Boyd

Permanent Supportive Housing — Whalen, Iseman
