
Banning Ranch group opposes Fairview parking lot

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The Banning Ranch Conservancy has entered the fray over a proposed parking lot at Fairview Park.

Terry Welsh, president of the Newport Beach-based environmental group, urged recipients in a weekend email to attend Costa Mesa’s City Council meeting Tuesday to protest the plan, which calls for 10 parking spaces and a nearby children’s play area at the north end of Pacific Avenue.

He outlined four arguments against the development, saying the lot isn’t needed and that park-goers would end up possibly “trudging across an area of high biological sensitivity.”


Also at issue, according to the email, is the footprint of the proposed lot. Welsh wrote that the parking lot could still accommodate 42 spaces, which goes against a Master Plan revision from 2001 that called for 10 spots. And finally, the proposed playground should be moved closer to restrooms or picnic areas.

In addition to showing up to the 6 p.m. meeting at City Hall, 77 Fair Drive, Welsh suggested residents sign an online petition, asking the council to keep the park natural and Pacific Avenue safe, and contact Mayor Jim Righeimer.

Righeimer, at a Meet the Mayor event Thursday, suggested only a turnaround for Costa Mesa Fire Department vehicles.

The Parks and Recreation Commission last month approved the lot’s 10-space design on a 4-1 vote, with Commissioner Bob Graham dissenting.

Councilwoman Sandy Genis has since appealed the decision, which will bring it before the council Tuesday.
