
Column: The Crowd: 57th annual Adoption Guild Patroness spring luncheon features fashion trends

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It is good to know that stories of wonder and inspiration still move the human heart and demonstrate the predominant decency of humanity.

The 57th annual Adoption Guild Patroness spring luncheon at Balboa Bay Resort unfolded last week in Newport Beach and the emotional centerpiece of the fashionable and upbeat event was the introduction of a couple sharing their story of adoption.

Following years of attempting to have children, this family was able to adopt an infant boy with the assistance of Holy Family Services, the agency the Adoption Guild of Southern Orange County supports financially. The adoption went smoothly and the new family of three was overjoyed. That was three years ago.


Then, at the end of last year, the family got an unexpected call from the agency. The same birth mother had delivered a baby girl. She wanted the child to be raised with her brother. The adoptive family was thrilled, and now they are a family of four. The patroness luncheon audience was clearly moved.

This personal story represented the pure essence of the support coming from some 250 guests in attendance. The fabulous Balboa Bay Resort luncheon of perfectly grilled seasonal salmon over greens and the lovely spring bouquets centering tables donated by Trader Joe’s and arranged with care by Anna Ziebath were icing on the proverbial cake. The story of this family was the heart of the matter.

That being reported, the event was a great success overall. A chic spring fashion show on a Paris-worthy runway bisecting the resort’s ballroom was produced with considerable style by Couture Productions along with special guests Marie Gray and daughter Kelly Gray displaying their line known as Grayse. All in attendance were presented with $100 gift certificates from Grayse at Fashion Island.

The event was produced by Adoption Guild devotees Maria Zucht and Christine Johnson with support from their dedicated committee and group president, Chris Garber. The day-long celebration also featured a shopping boutique with upscale vendors offering stylish merchandise helping to raise additional funds for the Adoption Guild. Luncheon proceeds will assist the Guild in its effort to raise significant funds for Holy Family Services this year.

Mistress of ceremonies Stephanie Peleuses welcomed the crowd including Julie Brown of Holy Family who addressed the patrons on the agency’s work in progress. Founded in the 1940s by the late Dolores Hope, HFS has served countless families over seven decades. The Adoption Guild was formed in Southern Orange County in 1961 and has raised more than $4.3 million contributing to some 6,000 adoptions.

Supporting the event were many Guild members from all over the county. Among the faithful were Pam Fossler, Janie Merkle, Pam Selber, Harriet Selna, Nancy Collins, Laurie Rounds, Angela Grasso, Jeannie Hidey, Sue Podany, Patrice Werschmidt, and Garnet Thompson. Also supporting the cause were Patricia Houston, Michelle Kaminsky, Suzanne Wyrick, Ryann Carissimo, Karen Sugden, Magali Espejel, Sheila Forsum and Britt Meyer.

The success of the patroness event is a forerunner to the major Adoption Guild event of the year, the Roy Emerson Adoption Guild Tennis Classic which will unfold on local courts over the Memorial Day weekend.

To learn more, visit or the Holy Family Services website at

B.W. COOK is editor of the Bay Window, the official publication of the Balboa Bay Club in Newport Beach.
