
Mailbag: Savary is a good alternative to Rohrabacher

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I’m a Republican, and I am tired of Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Costa Mesa) representing me.

His voting record says it all. He is not embracing the future and working hard to make the 48th Congressional District the leader in green energy technologies that it could be.

With UC Irvine leading the way, we could be the next Silicon Valley, but instead we have an elected congressmen who does not even believe in the proven science of climate change and thus is actually fighting against us.

He is an embarrassment to the 48th.

We have a smart, moderate alternative in Sue Savary. She is a proven prolem-solver who would


work in Washington to get us the help we need so that we can all work together to make the 48th a leader in health, science, technology, engineering, manufacturing and more.

Dennis Bress Jr.

Newport Beach


Reject the deeply flawed Measure Y

I served as moderator for three debates on Measure Y. I have read the pros and cons, and I believe that Measure Y is seriously flawed and should be defeated.

Y would give the Irvine Co. the right to build a 500,000 square-foot office tower, 50,000 square feet of commercial space and 500 new residential units in Newport Center. According to the city’s own planning staff, this would add 8,768 new car trips daily. This is in addition to the PIMCO tower and the Irvine Co. tower, which will add 7,330 car trips daily to the city streets that lead into Newport Center.

The only significant thing that the Irvine Co. purports to give up with Y is the right on paper to build a tourist resort down-coast. According to the Irvine Co.’s development agreement report to the county, all its resorts down coast are built-out.

Furthermore, the Greenlight Initiative, which attempts to give residents a say over development, designates hotels a “special” class of development. This makes sense because tourist resorts generate very little traffic when compared to office towers, commercial development and new residences.

Debra Allen

Corona del Mar

The writer practiced law for 28 years, representing the County of Orange and handling many land-use issues, and served on Newport Beach’s Planning Commission and Environmental Quality Committee.


Review recognizes this hidden gem

My husband, Bill, and I were pleasantly surprised to read the review of the “Let The Dog Decide” CD (“Pointing out music worth finding,” City Lights, Oct. 10).

We met Chris Burroughs about 10 years ago, right before the movie “Sideways” came out. About two years ago, we were at the same winery and someone there gave us the CD. I’m the one who listens to it in my car all the time. It takes me away from everything and lets me relax (even without a glass of wine). We’ve been back to that winery several times, but unfortunately we’ve missed Chris.

We appreciate such a terrific article on my favorite CD.

Shelli Zeller

Newport Beach
