
Commentary: Why I support redistricting Map B

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Did you know that the Newport-Mesa Unified School District is in the process of redistricting? A lawsuit is forcing school trustees to draw new boundaries for the seven trustee districts.

A Malibu attorney represented a citizen who called out trustees for being out of compliance with the Voting Rights Act and it cost us, the taxpayers, $100,000.

Population in each district must be equal per the Voting Rights Act so minority citizens can have an equal chance to be elected trustees.


Public hearings have been held to get input on two maps: B and G.

A special meeting is set for 6 p.m. Tuesday when trustees will vote on a map. Voters will not be choosing the map like we did last November when we voted on six City Council districts and an elected mayor. School trustees are applying for a state waiver to save money on an election.

Map B, created by a demographics consultant, was voted the best map by the superintendent’s ad hoc committee and complies with the VRA criteria.

When the superintendent’s committee studied maps, they were not told trustee addresses but if Map B were selected, two current trustees, board President Karen Yelsey from District 4 and Judy Franco from District 5, would have to compete against each other in District 5 next year if they both chose to run.

After the committee approved Map B, trustees also approved Map G, drawn by a school employee with input from trustees and others. In Map G the two trustees would not have to compete against each other.

As an educator, 46-year Westside resident and former trustee representing District 7, I support Map B. It is fair and the committee’s Map B approval should be respected.

Map G has been contaminated by trustee input and some gerrymandering of the borders between districts 1, 5 and 7 dividing the Victoria School zone. Just keep the lines straight please.

Also, Map G does not utilize the natural boundary of Fairview Park and the golf course and shrinks the home location of the 2018 trustee candidate. While Map G may increase a small percentage of minority voters, these other problems can’t be ignored.

Trustees, some who have been on the board for more than 30 years, have a grand opportunity to give better representation in Zone 7. It’s a shame a lawsuit had to make them do it.

Trustees should do what’s right and vote for the committee-approved Map B on Oct. 17.

WENDY LEECE teaches at College Hospital, OCDE schools and is a former NMUSD trustee and Costa Mesa city council member. She is also a former columnist for the Daily Pilot.
