
Letters to the Editor: Laguna Beach should invest in sustainable power rather than place utilities underground

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The advocacy website reads, “Above ground utilities are the single biggest threat to our public safety.”

The proponents of undergrounding use fear to motivate voters to approve the ballot measure. The proponents want to bury Southern California Edison’s 19th century power lines and pass the costs onto property owners and Laguna’s retail sector through bond measures approved by voters, but their headline is false and unsubstantiated.

Over time technology shifts are disruptive and largely unpredictable, like the smart car, the smartphone and distributed renewable power. How these technologies play out is uncertain, but the future will arrive, and now is the time to study how renewable power will enter the value chain, define operating models and business in Laguna Beach. Solar energy systems worldwide have been consistently underestimated by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. In Laguna solar power utilities were not considered when undergrounding citywide.


The annualized cost of $200 million to underground power lines at 3% for 30 years is $10.2 million per year. Alternatively this funding could be directed to build Laguna’s sustainable energy future for 2050. If Laguna became a clean-power producer and sold power back to utility companies, Edison would happily bury its power lines at its cost, not ours.

UndergroundLagunaNow should propose a modern power utility rather than bury obsolete utilities and propose sustainability, not creative financing. Motivate voter approval with facts, not public fear.

Les Miklosy

Laguna Beach

Scott Baugh’s signs disrespect Dana Rohrabacher

While driving around Newport Beach Tuesday, my wife and I saw a number of “Scott Baugh for Congress” political signs that were placed on a number of public properties, including along MacArthur Boulevard, the southerly entrance to the 73 Freeway from MacArthur Boulevard, Jamboree Road, etc.

Some were offensive and negative against incumbent Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Costa Mesa), a seasoned, well-known and respected candidate who has worked in the best interests of the citizens of this community for some 30 years. This sure turned me off, as the signs were from a man obviously doing all possible to win, but at the expense of someone who has devoted much of his life to our community.

Negative advertising suggests desperation. Hopefully voters will realize this disrespectable approach and vote accordingly.

John Devereux

Newport Beach

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