
Letters to the Editor: DUI checkpoints inconvenience drivers without cause

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I was encouraged to learn that only three of 900 drivers were suspected of driving under the influence during a recent Laguna Beach checkpoint that lasted six hours.

This tells me that people drive sober, and that this massive inconvenience to 897 drivers was not needed, ill-conceived and should not be repeated. If the Laguna Beach police have resources to spare, I suggest they focus on drivers who routinely run red lights in town and speed through our streets.

Merrill Anderson


Laguna Beach

Others opposed clean-needle program

Costa Mesa Mayor Sandy Genis claims in her candidate statement that she was the only candidate to stand up against the Orange County Needle Exchange Program.

The entire City Council unanimously opposed this plan near an elementary school in a residential neighborhood. Councilwoman Katrina Foley publicly and vociferously opposed it, wrote about it in the Aug. 2 Daily Pilot (“Costa Mesa will find a legal way to stop the needle exchange program”), attended Orange County Board of Supervisors meetings to voice opposition and voted to support the lawsuit against the needle exchange.

Clay Epperson

Costa Mesa

Support for offshore drilling is a deal-breaker

Another seminal issue has come front and center in today’s headlines that affects voters in the 48th Congressional District: offshore drilling for oil.

The Democratic candidate for the 48th Congressional District, Harley Rouda, is opposed to it. And yet, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Costa Mesa) is enthusiastically supporting offshore oil drilling, choosing to side with President Trump and his cronies over his own constituents. This is not representation; it is a slap in the face.

We should not turn the other cheek. It is time for Rohrabacher to go.

Tim Geddes

Huntington Beach

Trump capitalized on racial tensions

President Trump won mostly because of racial resentment and as a performance artist — not because as a serially bankrupted businessman he nevertheless knew how to conjure newly created jobs.

I have read and observed that his supporters never had illusions. I’ve yet to meet one who did not have a pretty clear picture of Trump. They’ve known all along that he’s a needy, self-absorbed thin-skinned narcissist, a womanizer, a liar, a braggart and a generally miserable human being.

Denny Osborne

Newport Beach

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