
Letters to the Editor: This retired Orange County firefighter has concerns about Medicare

A “Medicare For All” rally takes place in Fort Lauderdale, Fl., in August.
(Photo by Joe Raedle / Getty Images)
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Most news commentary about the Texas Affordable Care Act ruling gave short shrift to the many problems that could arise if healthcare reform is altered without adequate protections enacted by Congress. As a retired Orange County firefighter who relies on Medicare, I’m particularly concerned about the fate of both Medicare and Medicare Advantage, which senior citizens rely upon.

I select a comprehensive, private health plan with affordable rates and the right mix of coverage for me. The network of doctors is excellent, and I’ve received quality care without paying a lot out of pocket. What’s more, I appreciate how my plan includes forward-thinking programs, including wellness and preventive care, and digital and tele-health services. Proper funding for Medicare and Medicare Advantage will have a long-term, positive impact on my health, as well as reduce the cost of my care over time.

Whatever changes may come to the Affordable Care Act, our elected leaders need to keep senior citizens in mind and preserve our access to affordable, innovative healthcare, lest America be forced to take a huge step backward on today’s healthcare progress.


Jerry Strom

Newport Beach


Democrats set a good example in O.C.

Now that the Blue Wave has rolled through our area, it has been time to follow congressional winners and elect Democratic Assembly delegates to keep the progressive fires burning in our changed political landscape. I attended both election meetings for the 74th Assembly District on Saturday and the 72nd Assembly District on Sunday. With many candidates and slates involved, I expected it to be like something out of “Game of Thrones.”

It was not. Both meetings were convivial, not contentious. It showed what can happen when candidates put community first and when people become involved in the process. It should set an example for the Republicans and all other political parties.

Putting people above politics, and public interest over special interest, is now the path to progress for all constituents in Orange County. In order to achieve a brighter future, we must work for it and vote for it.

Tim Geddes

Huntington Beach


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