
Letters to the Editor: Newport-Mesa school district should move on from Navarro

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I am writing in response to the recent article in the Daily Pilot regarding calls to remove Fred Navarro from his position as superintendent of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District.

I certainly agree that it is far overdue. I am reminded of when John Nicoll, the former superintendent, stepped down after the discovery of an employee’s embezzlement.

Based on firsthand experience with Swun Math, what I have read and researched regarding other examples of fiscal mismanagement, and the repeated disrespect shown to members of the public that take the time to attend school board meetings, Navarro’s contract should not be renewed.


A person of character would resign after the numerous financial missteps. Students have paid the price with the lack of a quality math program during the Swun Math debacle.

The school board needs to do its job and send Navarro on his way without another penny of taxpayer money funding his tax-sheltered annuity.

Cynthia Blackwell

Costa Mesa

Board should remove Navarro

After reading the latest Daily Pilot article regarding Fred Navarro, I feel that the current school board needs to remove this superintendent.

In 1993, when the embezzlement of funds became known, John Nicoll, superintendent at that time, did the right thing and resigned. Several of the board members — including my husband, Forrest Werner — chose not to run for reelection as they felt that the embezzlement happened on their watch.

During Navarro’s tenure, I have read of numerous examples of fiscal mismanagement that has cost the students, teachers and taxpayers of NMUSD millions of dollars. Also, it is an abuse of taxpayers dollars to continue to pay into his tax-sheltered annuity.

The responsibility of these losses ultimately lies at Navarro’s feet. It is time that he is removed.

Jane Werner

Costa Mesa

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