
Letters to the Editor: Those who jump from Lido bridge either can’t read or are overcome with entitlement

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It is too bad that the Newport-Mesa school district doesn’t teach students to read.

That is the only conclusion one can come to when there are at least six signs saying, “No Jumping No Diving,” off the Lido Island Bridge.

Aside from the fact that police have more important things to do than chase these kids and the legal liability, think of the physical toll should someone jump onto a boat passing under the bridge or land wrong and be permanently paralyzed.

The crowd of kids (and so-called adults) who jump from the bridge daily apparently don’t consider these problems. So I guess there is another reason why they jump. They have no sense of responsibility but a great sense of entitlement.


Jack Price

Newport Beach

Republicans only care about tax cuts

Thank you for addressing the craziness of the policies of President Trump and his Congress (“Letters to the Editor: Republicans remain the party of ‘Just say no,’ and little else,” June 19). Elected to “drain the swamp” and unite America, it appears that the only thing the right wants to get done is drop taxes for the rich and demoralize the middle and lower classes.

The idea that the rich will fund new businesses and create new wealth for others can be seen by the results of Kansas. A Republican governor takes over a state that has a surplus, does away with state income tax, and within six years has the state at the doorstep of financial crisis. So much for the trickle-down theory.

I only feel sorry for the letter writer, James Percival. He must be very lonely in his thoughts in Newport Coast. Maybe he could run against Rep. Dana Rohrbacher (R-Costa Mesa), who doesn’t believe the science in global warming.

I can only hope Rohrabacher is alive so he can explain to the many people who live on the island communities and peninsula in Newport that he is sorry their homes are now two feet under water.

Dean Downing

Huntington Beach

Peotter camp is unfair to critics

How do we know Councilman Scott Peotter is getting desperate in the face of a recall by Newport Beach voters?

His “campaign” has resorted to attacks on leading citizens and organizations rather than even attempting to defend his record. Peotter, through his emails and posts, and his surrogates have lashed out at community activist Susan Skinner.

She is called an “obstructionist” because of her efforts to oppose the 25-story Museum House Tower. Rather than pulling back from charges that he is uncivil in his interactions with the public and shows blatant disrespect for his constituents, the Peotter team is doubling down on the insults and attacks. The public should keep in mind that this is all a strategy to take the public’s mind off Peotter’s true record.

Ray Lewis

Newport Beach

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