
Letters to the Editor: Aesthetic entrance at Newport jetty would be welcome

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What a wonderful idea to replace the old rusting pole at the Newport jetty. I think a small lighthouse would look beautiful there. To honor or our two local high schools, I suggest using the navy blue and light blue colors of Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar on the lighthouse.

If cost permits, two small dolphins swimming on each side of the lighthouse would be appropriate to honor the sea friends who swim off our shores.

Newport Harbor is so beautiful. What an entrance it would make. Awesome.

Carol McDonald


Newport Beach

Piece on travelers missed the mark

Re “Reader Report: These seasoned travelers are anchored in Newport Beach,” (Feb. 15): I am not sure where to begin in my reaction to the article in the Reader Report today. Would it be the ugly colonial mindset that permeates this article? Would it be the stereotypical descriptions of the people who inhabit the lands where the travelers flit about on their trips? How about the puerile voyeurism of the description of places where women “bare their breasts in public” and men “wear codpieces”?

The shame we should feel for those wretched people for not shopping at South Coast Plaza. This article is an insult to so many on so many levels. As a very longtime Los Angeles Times reader, this article makes me very sad and very angry. I expect better from the L.A. Times or any affiliate.

Rayna Hamre

Huntington Beach

Meet housing needs with an open mind

The city of Huntington Beach has been embroiled in much legal wrangling with the state over the issue of affordable housing. This was widely and publicly alluded to in Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recent address. Sides have been drawn and forces backing and egging on H.B. City Atty. Michael Gates are primed for confrontation.

Regardless of who wins what lawsuit, the crisis of affordable housing will remain as long as there is no collaborative problem-solving effort to address this issue. The community has suffered enough from the high-density development mistakes of the past. Blaming the state of California is not the answer. It is time to put politics aside and commit to a process that all parties can use to arrive at solutions. We must meet the affordable housing crisis with our eyes and minds open.

Tim Geddes

Huntington Beach

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