
Letters to the Editor: Letter about Laguna Beach police cars missed the point of the American flag

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I find it ironic that a letter appearing on Easter Sunday from Juli Hayden would so insensitively express the “love it or leave it” mentality that directly contradicts the Christian spirit of this holy celebration (“Love it or leave it, Laguna”).

Our flag is not and cannot be defined by one segment of our society, especially the “Make America Great Again” crowd, which perverts our patriotism with its own hard-edged views on our symbols and institutions.

Would she say the same thing about criticism of Donald Trump just because he occupies our presidential office? I am proud to display our flag because of what it means to me: the embracing of freedom, tolerance and diversity. We must all respect our flag because of what it represents to us. That is being American.


Tim Geddes

Huntington Beach

Libraries go above, beyond their mission

Public libraries have become a strange stew of human activities that range from children’s story time, to author events, to a place for study, to a resource for researchers, to a hangout for the homeless. Libraries are also an example of the law of unexpected consequences.

Lack of adequate living spaces, the criminalization of poverty and the dearth of social services have made libraries a last bastion for those who have nowhere else to go. As a society we are obligated to do better on behalf of our fellow human beings.

Ben Miles

Huntington Beach
