
Mailbag: Marines, families are a model of courage

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Thank you so much for the article on the adopted Thundering Third and the Huntington Beach 3/1 Marines Foundation (“Sending hearts to Marines,” July 8).

My husband and I have been involved in this most worthy volunteer organization and sincerely appreciate the coverage you have given them.

I have found this the most rewarding experience of my life. At 68, we have successfully raised two sons and watched both of them as they became Eagle Scouts. In our empty nest years, we have adopted these Marines into our hearts.


The courage and excellence exhibited by these Marines and their spouses and children is beyond imagination. I have never met a better group of people and pray for them all to come home safely. I would proudly stand beside every one of them.

Again, thank you for the article.

Nicki Leech

Fountain Valley

Gifts go a long way with servicemen

Thank you so much for letting people know more about the Huntington Beach 3/1 Marines Foundation. Cindy Cross put together a great shopping list of things that were needed for our battalion, and I was thrilled to shop for and deliver items to the fire station to be sent to “our” Marines. I am proud to be a member and supporter of the 3/1. Having a member of my own family on deployment, I know firsthand how touched our service men and women are when they receive even those “little things” from home. I hope that more and more people will become involved in the 3/1 — thank you for getting the word out there.

I also want to commend Cindy Cross for the great job she does for the 3/1.

Lyn Britt

Huntington Beach

Boy’s rescue showed community spirit

About 3 p.m. this Sunday, I heard a police helicopter fly over saying something over the PA about a lost kid. As I pulled around the corner and saw four police cars, I asked one of the officers what was going on. They said a 3-year-old boy was playing in his front yard, then he went missing. I parked my truck over at Sowers Middle School and joined the search along with other community members who were also concerned. The boy was found in a neighbor’s house unharmed about 45 minutes later.

I just wanted to say to all the people and the community that pulled together looking for this child that I’m very proud of my fellow neighbors who were out looking along with all the police officers who showed up in force!

Bruce Wright

Huntington Beach
