
Mailbag: Don’t burn Koran; spread truth of Jesus

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The world has become a tightly twisted and tangled ball of string that no man can untangle. With every political election it is only becoming darker.

So does staging a “burn fest” of the Koran bring forth light or only spread more bitter darkness? At the heart of this issue is the intolerance of the global rise of Islam and its profound effect it had on United States on 9/11 in its extreme form.

To make a positive and profound stand against Islam and the forces of darkness that have overshadowed our world for centuries all one must do is simply turn on the light. God provided the way, truth and the light in the life of his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, who came to redeem mankind from the enslavement, bondage, legalism and death that all religions inflict.


So rather than set fire to a book, set fire to a lost soul’s heart. Share the truth of Jesus Christ with the lost. This is the rich heritage of our country’s history. We were once a country with the majority deeply rooted in God, who strove to incorporate his word into their lives, schools, work places and government. Only through the spreading of the love of God can we hope to entangle a world enslaved in deception.

Russ Niewiarowski

Newport Beach

Letter writer should be fair in assessment

I was with a council member at a meeting on Wednesday, when the council member observed, “It’s sad.”

I asked, “What is sad?”

The response was that Robert Rush’s piece in the Pilot on that date (“Sounding Off: Dishonetsy, self-interest in Newport Beach,” Sept. 8) portends a campaign season of “muddied waters” of nastiness, innuendo and conspiracy rather than civility, positive ideas, and solutions to the many issues facing Newport Beach in these challenging economic times.

I guess we should brace ourselves for more poison pen mailers featuring irrelevant pictures of in-process remodeled homes and rehab mistruths, as we witnessed from Mr. Rush two years ago in the unsubstantiated character assassination of Councilman Rosansky.

Well, we have been warned by Mr. Rush: “… I hope to expose numerous stories of self-interest and dishonesty regarding Newport’s trusted public figures and city officials.”

A modest proposal to Mr. Rush: Any such accusations should be carefully fact-checked with full vetting and, before publication, the “accused” should certainly be given a reasonable opportunity in Mr. Rush’s “story” to offer his/her written response to the accusations. Fairness requires no less.

Paul Watkins

Newport Beach
