
Mailbag: A ‘no, sir’ to Assemblyman Mansoor

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According to his own chief of staff, “Assemblyman [Allan] Mansoor lives in and represents Costa Mesa” (“Redistricting changes 2012 electoral battles,” Aug. 18). Proposed new Assembly districts would put southern Huntington Beach in the same district as Costa Mesa. Voters in the new district who are not citizens of Costa Mesa should consider whether there is an alternative to Mansoor, who is interested in representing them, too.

Mark Sheldon

Huntington Beach


Paper bag deserves a comeback

As far as I know, we were happy with the paper bags we got our groceries in until the 1980s, when suddenly we were chastised for killing trees and the plastic bag was introduced. Most women I knew wanted status quo and, when asked “paper or plastic,” opted to keep what was familiar. Plus, the early plastic bags tore with our groceries spilling. Eventually, no one asked, and like it or not, we had to accept plastic.


Before anyone was talking about recycling, we used those paper bags for a variety of things after the groceries were put away. Maybe a survey in the paper would be fun to hear the many creative ideas families had from the invention of paper bags to their demise.

Many articles have been posted lately about the bacteria found in the reusable cloth bags people are trying to promote instead of plastic.

So, Huntington Beach, what is your solution before you pass this law (“Plastic bag ban in works,” Aug. 18)? You have to give us an alternative.

One obvious alternative is to drive a few blocks into a neighbor city and shop there.


Rosalie Smith

Huntington Beach


In praise of plastic bags

Say it isn’t so! We need those bags (“Plastic bag ban in works,” Aug. 18). For some purposes (wet/frozen/greasy food), only plastic will do. Also, paper bags’ handles (if there even are any) soon tear off.

And who throws the bags away after one use? Instead, we reuse them — for storage, carrying, wet/dirty laundry, gym, swimwear, etc., and then for garbage. (If you use paper for that, I don’t want to live near you.) A ban will only force us to buy bags by the box — or to shop outside Huntington Beach.

I implore city leaders to reconsider adding this new hardship to our lives and, if possible, to explore the use of biodegradable alternatives like potato plastic.

Laura Nguyen

Huntington Beach
