
Mailbag: Article missed point on Bolsa Chica

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Your article on the $430,000 fine that the Coastal Commission levied against the Goodell family reads more like an editorial than a factual news report. The article’s title, “Consultant calls fine ‘excessive’” (Jan. 19), seems more concerned about presenting the violator’s unhappiness with the fine than with the egregious nature of the violation.

The article made no mention of the fact that the Coastal Commission voted 10 to 1 to fine the Goodell family for the unlawful and unpermitted excavation in land that is a 9,000-year-old archaeological site and ancient Native American cemetery. The one dissenting vote was by Commissioner Esther Sanchez, who said $430,000 was not enough of a fine. She called the violation extremely disturbing. The other commissioners also were concerned, and that’s why they imposed the fine.

Native American Tongva leader Anthony Morales said while speaking to the commission, “Enough is enough. ... Enough desecration of my ancestors.”


Bolsa Chica’s prehistoric village was declared eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. This is a point of pride for our community. Yet developers are all too eager to bulldoze 9,000 years of human history into oblivion, just so they can make a profit. This should be an outrage to any civilized society.

Marinka Horack

Huntington Beach


Send fireworks back to school

There is a field behind my house and several times during the year, fireworks are set off. I have to worry about the next-door neighbor’s roof, which is old and not fire-retardant, and could easily catch fire and spread to neighbors’ homes.

Mayor Don Hansen’s comment that “Huntington Beach is a responsible, thoughtful and patriotic community” (“Council ignites firework debate,” Dec. 22) is very naive. Young boys are usually the culprits in many damaging acts and don’t worry about or realize the consequences to homes and lives.

Many people that live here were saddened when the fireworks display was discontinued at the Huntington Beach High School field. It offered bleachers, bathrooms, a snack stand, a pre-fireworks show and ample parking adjacent to the field and was family friendly. It was great.

The City Council might try taking a survey of homeowners in our city sometime and find out how we feel about things done not in our interest.

Janet Goldstein

Huntington Beach


‘Safe and sane’ in name only

No, fireworks should not be legalized in Huntington Beach! They are neither safe nor sane in neighborhoods where young children and reckless teenagers are partying.

I’ll recount just one near-accident I witnessed on my street. A 5-year-old girl saw one of the “safe” fireworks that hops along the ground come to rest as it was dying out. She rushed over to the smoldering firework, got down on her hands and knees and leaned her face down to blow on it, her hair and bangs falling around it. I yelled at her and snatched her up, avoiding injury to her. I saw several other near-catastrophes in our small cul-de-sac over the years.

City Council members who vote for something that 67% of residents don’t want (as reported in your Dec. 22 article) should be recalled.

Jill Krum

Huntington Beach
