
Mailbag: O.C. Republicans disappoint with vote on abortion resolution

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I was inspired to read Diane Bucka’s piece calling on women to hold our representatives accountable (“Commentary: Post-march, women should hold leaders accountable,” Jan. 27). It hit the nail on the head. Two days after millions of us marched around the country, O.C.-area Reps. Darrell Issa (R-Vista), Mimi Walters (R-Irvine) and Dana Rohrabacher (R-Costa Mesa) voted in lockstep with their fellow Republicans to interfere with women’s reproductive rights by supporting House Resolution 7, which imposes restrictions on health insurers regarding abortion coverage. My representative, Rohrabacher, has voted repeatedly over his career to restrict women’s access to reproductive healthcare. My sense is that Rohrabacher’s voting record on women’s issues says something about his own antipathy toward us. It is time for us to get representation for all of the 48th District’s residents.

Mona Lynch

Laguna Beach

Obama’s GDP on par with Hoover’s

Oh, the irony of it all. Shortly after I read Denny Freidenrich’s letter to the editor congratulating our former president on the economy (“Recognize the Obama economy,” Jan. 23) and his ability to reduce unemployment to 3.5% in Orange County, I flip to the Business section of the L.A. Times and see our national economy grew by a tepid 1.9% in 2016, its lowest level of growth since 2011 (“U.S. economic growth slowed to 1.9 percent rate in Q4; caps weakest year since 2011,” Jan. 27). While we’re throwing around superlatives about our former commander-in-chief and his economic prowess, how about this one: He was the first President since Herbert Hoover to have failed to grow gross domestic product (GDP) by 3% or more annually for at least one year during his term in office, according to Politifact. We should be so proud.


Jerry Fitch

Newport Coast

Immigration made us great

Immigration has made us great. America’s now a mighty state. But, oh for heaven’s sake, Let us all eschew hate. ‘Cause only love can mitigate fate. So show love now, before it’s too late.

Ben Miles

Huntington Beach
