
Mother Teresa doesn’t charge you by the hour

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I read Ms. Ryder’s column stating that with rent control, the next

step is pricing control on homes in Glendale. This was followed by

Mr. Gustavson’s article the next day asking for the control of home

prices in Glendale.

Is this a surprise to homeowners of the city? This is the natural

progression of their Iron Curtain/welfare state beliefs. Where was

Ms. Ryder when interest rates were 17% to 18% and homeowners had to

take the risks? Where is she now, when insurance rates on homes and

apartments are going up by 30% to 40%?

I remember Mr. Carlson standing in front of the Homeowners Assn.,

claiming rent control will help them. Now it is apparent that the

next push to their movement is price control of the value of said

homeowners’ property.

It really comes down to your basic thoughts on welfare, and how

far you believe you should go in supporting the people in society.

You pay income taxes, property taxes, sales tax, and gas taxes, and

now they want to further charge you to subsidize their living

expenses and damage the price of your home?

Enough is enough. I am a big believer in personal responsibility.

I do believe it is a privilege to live in this community, not a right

(according to Ms. Ryder), otherwise, the people who live in Pacoima

and Tujunga should just come in and take her apartment, because

according to her thinking, they have the same rights to it as she


This is not Omaha. This is not Riverside. You choose to live in

Glendale, so realize with that choice comes a price premium. Let me

know if this is a right, as I would like to assert my “right” to a

beach house in Malibu. It’s like going into the Mercedes dealership

and demanding to pay Ford prices. You enjoy living in the middle of

Los Angeles with numerous amenities, yet you want to pay Riverside


I had to laugh when watching the recent City Council meeting, and

Councilman Gomez asked Mr. Carlson about a rent board in his

proposal. He said they would not have one, yet in every other

rent-controlled city, they do. Even Mr. Gomez and the rest of the

City Council looked perplexed. Has Mr. Carlson magically created a

no-cost ordinance? No! What he has created is a way for his cohorts

to make the citizens -- all citizens in Glendale -- pay for his plan,

hoping you don’t read too far into it.

Ms. Gutierrez talks about being conned. Well, there it is. It

costs Santa Monica $4 million plus a year (Santa Monica has 20,000

units; in Glendale it would be 40,000) to run rent control, other

cities far more than that. What does this mean for citizens of

Glendale? Higher taxes and less services, because your existing tax

dollars are going to protect an inherently broken proposal. All

residents will pay this liberal tax, taking away from all other civic

services such as police, fire department, schools, bus lines, etc.

Rent-control advocates believe rent control will create more

housing for the poor. This is false. In a case study of Santa Monica,

where rent control was enacted in 1980, there were 38,000 rental

units. By 1990 (10 years later) there were 28,000, and now there are

approximately 20,000. Many owners converted them to condominiums, or

the rent payments could not meet annual costs, so the owners moved

into their own properties (Tierra Properties, 1999).

In a study conducted by the Real Estate Land Use Institute at Cal

State University-Chico, it was found from the time rent control was

implemented in Santa Monica to 10 years later, apartment units fell

26%, while in non-rent-controlled Los Angeles it grew 10% over that

same time period. Recently the city of Burbank completed a study of

rent control and concluded it does not achieve the goal of providing

more housing for the poor, and will in fact have the opposite effect.

Someone compared Mr. Carlson to Mother Teresa, Abraham Lincoln

and Martin Luther King. That is blasphemous. Mother Teresa never

charged you by the hour to hear your problems. Mother Teresa didn’t

have a financial interest like Mr. Carlson does.


