
GUSD has new faces in new places

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Darleene Barrientos

Students will have unexpected company from some grown-ups this fall

as they traverse unfamiliar school halls, as there will be several

new faces in the principal’s offices.

One of those new faces will be Principal Terry Dutton, who

replaced Beverly Johnson at La Crescenta Elementary School. And for

Dutton’s secretary, Connie Hobby, the change is not so much a change

in style, as it is a change in tools.

“Beverly felt really good that this school was in his hands,”

Hobby said. “He’s extremely bright -- he keeps me hopping.”

With Dutton, Hobby and the La Crescenta Elementary School staff

are learning more about using computers to the fullest, she said.

“He’s taught me some new advanced programs, different word

processors, like ClarisWorks. He’s really encouraging the staff to

utilize the computer and tap into all the resources that we have,”

she said.

The change takes some getting used to, but Hobby said the school

staff would adjust in no time.

“We all loved Beverly, but we’re all going to love Terry, too. He

and Beverly worked together at Columbus Elementary School -- she was

an assistant principal [when he was principal]. I think she took a

lot of his ideas here. It’s nice having someone who knows Bev’s

style,” she said.

Because several Glendale Unified School District administrators

have moved on to more demanding positions, several school staffs and

students will be making the same adjustments.

One new principal, Sherry Stockhamer, jumped into the position at

Daily High School with both feet and helped organize the district’s

first-ever mid-summer graduation that included all the area high

schools. Stockhamer replaced Gail Rosental, who retired in June.

Other new appointments include:

* Linda Edmond, who took the place of Melissa Stephan at Lincoln

Elementary School. Edmond began at the district as assistant

principal at Jefferson Elementary School in 2001.

* Janet Buhl began teaching in the district in 1990 at Mann

Elementary School. Buhl will replace Lynda Christian at Verdugo

Woodlands Elementary School. Christian moved to the La Quinta area

and will serve as principal at Kennedy Elementary School in Indio.

* Carla Walker and Nancy Jude will trade places between the

foothills and downtown Glendale. Walker will take Jude’s place at

Valley View Elementary School as principal, while Jude will work in

the district’s Professional Development Center.

* Mark Brown, who began teaching at Wilson Middle School in 1986,

will serve as assistant principal at Roosevelt Middle School.

* Linda Junge, who was hired to teach Spanish at Glendale High

School in 1997, will return to the high school as assistant


* Cynthia McCarty will return to Horace Mann Elementary School,

where she was once a teacher, as assistant principal.

* Bob Canfield will leave his position as coordinator of student

services at the district headquarters to be assistant principal at

Wilson Middle School.

* Bob Brauneisen, who once left Glendale for a short stint at the

La Canada Unified School District, will be Toll’s new assistant

