
Letters to the Editor: Consider other ways to increase GUSD funding

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In response to the Oct. 25 news article, “Glendale Unified begins discussion about bond measure, parcel tax possibilities”: While I am happy to hear that GUSD is starting to plan to address the chronic underfunding that plagues public schools both here and across California, I am dismayed that there is no mention of endorsing the November 2020 Schools and Communities First measure.

This statewide measure would yield over $3 billion annually for L.A. County by closing a commercial and industrial tax loophole. Forty percent of the money must go to K-12 schools and community colleges. The remaining 60% must go to cities and the county to be spent on infrastructure and services such as community centers, clinics, affordable housing and more.

Unlike a parcel tax or bond, the Schools and Communities First Measure will not burden homeowners or residential landlords, and it will provide a steady source of revenue in perpetuity. Because it is a reform and not a new tax, the threshold for its passage is 51%. And unlike a schools-only solution, the Schools and Communities First Measure could provide funding to address one of the root causes of enrollment declines in Glendale: lack of affordable housing.

The school board has set one of its four goals as “fiscal responsibility”; they owe it to the children and families of GUSD to explore all options, and that includes the Schools and Communities First Measure.

Elizabeth Vitanza


I read with interest the possibility of a new property tax to fund our schools. Yes, districts around us are struggling as rents increase (and this will increase them again) and families move to communities more affordable. Glendale is no exception.

Quality education costs dollars and our children are entitled to it. It is sad that our state legislators and our congressional representatives cannot work together to change the funding allocations for California schools, and continue to rely on referendums raising taxes.

Let’s let our legislators know that it’s time to put our students first!

Camille Levee
