
Rep. Adam Schiff takes part in Democrats’ sit-in on House floor to demand action on gun violence

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Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) is among the dozens of House Democrats staging a sit-in to demand Congressional action on gun violence in America.

“Why do we send troops into Iraq and Syria to take the fight to terrorists, why do we invest billions in our intelligence agencies, but say that dealing with the lethality, the horrible efficiency of shooting with an assault weapon with an extended ammunition clip — that we won’t touch, that we won’t consider,” Schiff said in an address on the House floor.

The video of Schiff’s statement was streamed live on Periscope after GOP lawmakers took action to have the C-SPAN broadcast from the House floor cut.

Schiff and his fellow Democrats took to social media to get their message out in light of the camera blackout, using now-trending hastags like #NoBillNoBreak and #HoldTheFloor.

“Majority doesn’t want you to know what’s being said; just wants gun issue to go away,” Schiff tweeted Wednesday. “It’ll never go away unless Congress acts.”
