
Mailbag: Will council learn from Rodgers experience?

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There is good news and bad news in the decision of Christopher Homes to pull out of the deal for the Rodgers [Seniors’ Center] site.

The good news is the developer saw the writing on the wall regarding community opposition to developing the current senior center location and backed out. The bad news is the fact that the City Council majority was willing to buck the ire of citizens citywide to foist this project on us to satiate their pro-development and business backers.

This group of “counter-community” politicians could yet make another attempt to erase downtown open space despite public outcry. The primary job of our city leaders is to represent their constituents honestly and faithfully. Hopefully they have learned a valuable lesson and will back off further attempts to develop this site.


Tim Geddes

Huntington Beach


Sidewalk hawkers need to let up

Every time I walk past the intersection of Main Street and Walnut Avenue in downtown Huntington Beach, I am besieged by hawkers of two downtown restaurants and bars.

I am tired of the menu and specials being shouted to me by people young enough to be my grandchildren: “Guys, we have bottomless mimosas.”


I understand that H.B. is part of the United States and that we enjoy the liberty of free speech, but I wish the owners/managers of these two establishments would train their pitch men and women to lower the volume, give walkers — especially seniors — some space on the sidewalk and try to add a little common courtesy to their job.

Wayne Rylski

Huntington Beach
