
How did La Cañadans vote on March 3? County recorded 54.7% voter participation

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Final figures on how locals voted in the March 3 election have been released by the County Registrar-Recorder’s Office, which has broken down 8,313 ballots cast in person and by mail — representing 54.7% of La Cañada’s total 15,193 registered voters.

Returns show nearly 69% of La Cañada’s 5,335 registered Democrats participated in the election, compared to about 54% of the city’s 5,328 Republicans. Among the 4,041 residents registered as having no party preference, records show only 811 cast ballots.

In the presidential primary race, former Vice President Joe Biden was favored as the top candidate among 1,669 La Cañada voters, while Sen. Bernie Sanders received 836 local votes and Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Mike Bloomberg trailed slightly behind with 730 and 639 votes, respectively.

La Cañada Republicans largely supported President Donald Trump with 2,074 of 2,881 voters selecting him as their top candidate. The second ranked candidate was Bill Weld, who received 161 Republican votes, records indicate.

In the local race for three open seats on the La Cañada Flintridge City Council, incumbent Terry Walker in the final tally led the pack of four candidates with 5,303, or nearly 33% of the vote.

Public Works and Traffic Commissioner Keith Eich came in second with 4,367 votes (27.15%), followed by former Planning Commissioner Rick Gunter, whose 3,337 votes placed him just ahead of incumbent Mayor Len Pieroni’s 3,077 votes. Pieroni decided not to campaign after a late December health scare.

Local voters supported a bid by La Cañada Unified School District to extend indefinitely a $450-per-parcel tax due to expire in 2021, with 5,025, or 70.67% of the district’s 13,416 eligible voters, favoring the measure, compared to 2,086 who opposed it.

City voters, however, failed to support Proposition 13, a state bond measure that would have raised $15 billion for public schools and higher education facilities, voting against the measure 4,073 to 3,593. Returns tallied following Election Day showed the measure was failing statewide, with no votes leading 56% to 44% and virtually all precincts reporting, the Los Angeles Times reported.

Residents of La Cañada Flintridge — a city designated as being at high-risk for wildfires — largely supported Measure FD, a countywide parcel tax that would have provided $134 million annually for the Los Angeles County Fire Department, with 4,404 in favor and 3,326 opposed.

The measure failed countywide to receive the two-thirds of the vote required for passage, earning only 52.6% support.

For a complete list of local results, visit the Los Angeles County Recorder-Registrar/County Clerk’s online and view “Past Election Results” at

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