
The perfect football pass

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Mechanics of a great pass

By Phil Geib, Max Rust and Keith Claxton | Tribune Graphics

When football coaches and analysts talk about a quarterback having a "good arm," they are talking about much more than the limb extending from the player’s shoulder. Consistently throwing a football far, fast and on target requires a complicated orchestration of nearly every muscle in the body. While repetition can help a player master these precise movements, many scouts and coaches say the ability to throw well is a natural phenomenon few people possess. Here is a look at the primary body motions that take place during a properly thrown forward pass:
The right leg pushes against the ground. The reaction force of the ground pushes the body forward in a launching motion that will ultimately aid in throwing the ball.As the left foot begins to step forward, the right arm rises at an angle, cocking the ball above the shoulder and behind the head.The right leg extends, helping push the left leg farther forward. The body's core muscles contract, and the hips twist counter-clockwise. This creates the torque that pulls the right shoulder around. The rotation is aided by the left arm being pulled backward.The hips continue twisting around and the left leg bends forward, pointing in the direction the pass is intended to travel.The right shoulder and arm continue to extend as the ball begins to be launchedThe shoulder and arm are fully extended and the ball is released. The quarterback's weight has been almost entirely transferred to the left side of his body.

SSOURCES: "The Biomechanics of Sports Techniques" by James G. Hay; "The Physics of Football" by Timothy Gay
